Mixsonian Barbara Morris

The Travels
Barbara and Morris

Blountstown-Fort Tatham

March 14, 2002
  Went to visit Brenda & Tom in Blountstown.  Beautiful sunny day.  It’s 78° at noon.  Sat. B & T took us to look at their lot at Mexico Beach. (3 blocks off the beach)
March 30, 2002
Left Gville at 5:30 AM for Ft. Tatham – Foggy & then rain in N. GA. & N.C.
Arrived 2:45 pm
May 14, 2002
Left Ft. Tatham at 6:11 AM to go home for our family reunion next weekend at St. Augustine Beach.
(Kelly Junior is in charge)
  Cold 38° degrees!  They say it’s very hot in G’ville – up to 100° one day last week.

May 28, 2002
Left G’ville at 5:42 AM heading for Fort Tatham. Arrived 1:50 PM – 8 hrs!  Good travel day – cool 50° at 11 PM – about 20 of us had Somemores around the campfire.  Mama, Tommy, Loraine, Vivian, B.N & Margaret, Gary & Harriett, Russell & Joyce are all here.

June 1-5 – Hot!  85° to 90° - Have A/C on everyday!
