Wilbur Darlington and Rosalie Mixson
My Grandparents
DARLINGTON MIXSON was born October 10, 1889 in Micanopy, FL, He died February 06, 1961 in
the VA hospital. I (Larry) remember going with my parents to visit
him while he was in the hospital. I was only 9 and we were not old
enough to go into visit him so we waited outside. I remember my mother
pointing up to a particular window and saying that it was his room.
I don't remember a lot about him but some things I do remember are: he was
mostly bald (as I mostly am), he always wore a hat, he
I have the fiddle grandpa carved. Larry
smelled of tobacco which he chewed. I remember riding in the truck with him to go to the store in McIntosh. He could carve all sorts of things in wood. I remember a wood chain with a wood lock on the end that he carved all out of one piece of wood. I still have a small fiddle about a foot long that he carved. I remember him have this big wooden trunk on the back porch that was filled with all sort of hand tools which I thought were really neat. A few years after he died my brother and I spent a week out at Grandma's and I got into the tool chest and got out all the tools. I particularly liked the brace and bit (a hand drill) and proceeded to drill holes in the floor of the porch. When my Grandma found out she got really mad and gave me a spanking for it.
My grandmother, Rosalie spoke fondly of Wilbur in her writings about the Old Times. Wilbur married Rosalie Anderson December 23, 1920, daughter of Tobias Anderson and Frances Belew. Rosalie was born October 26, 1901. Rosalie talks about how they first met and when Wilbur asked her to marry him in her Old Times writing "Wilbur" and their wedding day in "Our Marriage".
Grandma always had a sense of humor even as she got old. On her 100th birthday I went up to greet her, she squinted and looked at me and said "who is that?" as she didn't see to well. I said my name and she cocked her head and looked at me then said in her shakey old voice "Larry, your bald just like your Grandpa use to be." Rosalie died on December 14, 2004.
They had four children: First was Adrian Wilbur, born on November 25, 1921, Flemington, FL; died on September 1979. Second was Myrtice Gertrude, born on October 24, 1923, Micanopy, FL. and died on May 13, 1928, Micanopy, FL. Rosalie tells the story about her death in her writings about their Early Married Life. Third was my father Morris Darlington, born on August 23, 1926, Flemington, FL. And, fourth was Francis Arnold MIXSON, b. August 24, 1929, Flemington, FL.
For a more complete genealogy see WILBUR DARLINGTON MIXSON.
Wilbur World War I Diary
The Old Times
Rosalie's Diaries
Rosalie's Writings
1919 Wilbur meets Rosalie
1920 Wilbur
and Rosalie Get Married
1939 Life on
the Farm
Tobias Anderson History
Grandma's 100th Birthday
Grandma Mixson's Old House
Fishing on Plantation Lake
Story about Grandma Mixson
By Glenda
Photo Album