Mixsonian J.D. Mixson

J. D. Mixson has Grand Jury Duty

The Ocala Evening Star, Dec 16, 1910.  

Wilbur Mixson of Flemington came down to Ocala this morning with an extra horse, on which his father, Mr. J. D. Mixson, who is serving as a grand juror, can ride home when his duties are over.  

The Ocala Evening Star, Aug 10, 1911  

In August of 1911, J. D. Mixson accompanied by his daughter Alice spent the night in Ocala where the Ocala Evening Star report talked to him. “Mr. Mixson is a prosperous truck grower and reports great success with this season’s crops. He is now shipping beans and will soon begin preparing ground for his fall crops.”

Updated: 10-25-2021