The Story
Updated 06-15-2024
- James Darlington Mixson is Born
1850 - The Mixson's Move to Florida
1852 - Rosa Lee Mixson is Born
1854 - Junion's Arrive in America
1861 - Civil War
1869 - James Darlington Gets Married
1873 - The Andersons Migrate to America
1875 - Tobias Goes West, Parents go South
1880 - Shiloh Methodist Church
1882 - James Darlington Mixson's wife dies
- Tobias Marries Rosa Lee Mixson
- J.D. Mixson Marries Mary Reeves
1886 - Flemington Baptist Church
1889 - Wilbur Darlington Mixson is Born
1893-1897 - Flemington Vigilant Committee
1897 - Mixson Children in School
1900 - Rosa Lee Dies, Tobias Re-marries
1901 - Rosalie Anderson is Born
1904 - Something of a Serpent
1905 - Easter Party
1906 - Churches
1908 -Andersons move to Brevard
1910 - J. D. Mixson Grand Jury Duty
1911 - Andersons back in Flemington
1911 - Grandma Anderson
1912 - Waive Schwander is Born
1914 - Tobias' Cane Mill
1915 - A Good Crop
- Shilo School opens *New 02-03-2024
1918 - Wilbur In the War
- Wilbur Meets Rosalie
- Rosalie Meets Wilbur
1920 - Wilbur Courts Rosalie
1920 -Wilbur and Rosalie Get Married
1921-1923 - Wilbur and Rosalie, The early years.
1924 - A New House
1926 - Morris Darlington Mixson is Born
1926 - Leigh Hall
1928 - Death in the Family
1929 - More Children
Morris goes to school
Wilbur in the Hospital
1933 - Waive and Jack
1934 - Sue Junior is Born
1936 - Birth and Death
1937 - Family Gathering
1938 - Fred and Waive
- Grand Rapids Coffee and Tea Co.
1942 - Juniors move to Atlanta
1943 - School Years
- Juniors in Atlanta
Morris Joins the Navy
- Juniors
- Juniors
- Morris
- Summer
- Barbara
- Fred
- Morris
- Fall