Mixsonian Yoga

Yoga and The Ring

Have you ever have something happen to you that was a bit unusual, a little strange. You wonder if it was just coincidence or if it had some significance? There are philosophies that say there are no coincidences, it all as a purpose, every event has some meaning. I am not sure if I believe this but something happened that I wonder about… the story of the ring.

I was in yoga class. It was pretty much a regular yoga class, floor stretches, dog pose for warm up, standing exercises then some floor hip openers. We were lying on the floor in the final hip openers when it happened. I was laying down listening to the teacher give instruction when she dropped her ring. It was strange that she dropped her ring, I mean how does one drop a ring on your finger? But it happened. The ring fell to the floor, a ring hitting the floor could go a thousand different directions. What, why would it go in a particular direction? Seemingly totally unpredictable… but yet the ring hit the floor and rolled, it rolled to me, right to my hand. I pick it up, the teacher comes to me and I give it to her. 

Coincidence or significance? 

Larry Mixson May 17, 2000