Mixsonian Larry


Michael’s Death

Michael Mixson
Granda Mixson's Birthday 1975
Grandma Mixson with grandchildren
Michael at left with arm around Grandma, Me, Debra,
Beth, David, Gary, Rosie

Rosalie’s Diary
Feb. 6, 1989

Saturday Eunice and Arnold called and told me Michael wasn't expected to live 40 hrs. Today Eunice called and said it was all over. Well I have shed all the tears I can, I loved that little boy even tho I only heard from him once or twice a year. I held him as a baby as soft sweet baby.

The following day Mom called me and told me Mike died.  I didn’t know he was sick, when I asked Mom what he died from she told me AIDs. The last time I had seen Mike was at Grandma Mixson’s 74th birthday back in 1975.  I felt bad about that time Mike called me asking if he could stay at my place for a few days and I told him no. He was the first of Grandma’s grandchildren to die.

Updated: 10-22-2023
