With the war ending in the fall of 1918, Wilbur was discharged, and he returned to his home in Florida a changed man. Before the war he was young, vigorous and talked, perhaps too much, to family and friends. Upon his return from the war he was a quiet man, seldom saying anything unless asked and there was the occasional bouts of sickness which he attributed to the gas. But his father was proud that he served and was even more excited about him returning for other young men in the area did not return.
In celebration of Wilbur’s return his father, James Darlington Mixson, gave a welcome home dinner for Wilbur and his friend Charlie White who served with Wilbur in the army. It was to be quite an event with Wilbur’s eleven brothers and sisters coming along with their wives and children not to mention a few cousins. With most everyone in the Flemington area related to someone who was related to the Mixson’s word spread and the crowd grew. Wilbur was looking forward to it.