Mixsonian Larry

Century Tower

Centry TowerCentry Tower

Sometime in the summer of ’82 Dad got to go to the top of Century Tower.  Century Tower is a 157-foot-tall Gothic bell tower, an unmistakable feature in the center of the University of Florida campus just a block from the Chemistry Department where Dad worked. It was built in 1953-1956 at which time Dad watched it being constructed as he worked at the Chemistry Department since 1948.  Although built in 1953 the University did not have the money to add bells so it had a electronic bell system until 1976 when real bells were added.  I remember the electronic bells playing every hour when I would be going to and from classes in 1970-1975.  The tower is not open to the public but Dad knew someone who did maintenance on the building who let Dad climb to the top to take these pictures.

Dad in Centry Tower
Dad at the top of Century Tower


The Bells

Looking EastLooking west from top of tower at Florida Field with the O'Connell Center in the background

Updated: 07-08-2023
