Mixsonian Larry



Birthday Party
Russel on the left, Susan and Allen on the right

I got quite a shock when Julie gave me a surprise birthday party. Julie sent me off on some errand and when I returned seven of our friends from work were there waiting when I got home.  I had never had a surprise birthday party before, I had not celebrated my birthday for many years, at the most cake and ice cream when I was home visiting Mom and Dad, so this was a big surprise. Russel who came to our wedding was there, Alan and Susan, who were now a serious couple came and there were a few others.  I was even more surprised when Miss Tamblil the Belly dance showed up.  The doorbell rang and Julie got up and answered the door and when she came back there was Miss Tambil.  I had met Miss Tambil back in 1979 on a diving trip to the Bahamas and we had a brief affair afterwards but I had not seen her since that time, yet now here she was.  She was dressed in her full seven vails costume when she turned on belling dancing music from a small cassette player she had brought and started dancing around the room.  As she slowly, provocatively, danced around the room, hips and belly gyrating to the music, she begins to peel off one vail after another as she came closer and closer to me. As the final vail came off, no she was not nude but had a minimal costume, she stood in front of me bending over showing me an excellent view of her ample breasts.  Something I had seen before but fully exposed sitting right there on the same couch.

It was quite the performance, as the music came to an end everyone clapped and cheered, I looked over at Julie for the first time since the dance started and she had a sly smile on her face.   I don’t know how Julie found Miss Tambil, perhaps an advertisement in some paper or the weekly stack of flyers we received in the mail, but she also might have gone through my papers and found Miss Tambil’s postcard that I had saved from the Impossible Dream dive trip.  That was the last surprise birthday party I ever had and one I will always remember.

Miss Tambil
Miss Tambil the Belly Dancer’s card
On the back
"An Action of Turkish costom which is wear in folk dance now learn with TAMBIL. How natural movements of the human form which to day is better known as Belly Dancing her is different? Dans as for Parties to. Wail, Sword, Spoon, Zill, Mum, Caine. "

Updated: 07-08-2023
