Mixsonian Larry


The fall quarter ended in middle of December with me making a D in Humanities and an A in Computers and Programming.  I did so poorly in Physics I didn’t take the final and got an incomplete in the course.  Scholarship warning was  continued

A couple of weeks before Christmas I was over at Mom and Dad’s for dinner when Brenda announced that she got engaged to her boyfriend Tom, she was so happy.  I had met Tom a couple of times when Brenda brought him home for dinner at Mom and Dad’s, he was a really nice guy.  Tom couldn’t have been more perfect for Brenda who had always wanted to marry a Baptist minister and be a missionary, and she found Tom who was studying to become a Baptist minister.  Mom also was very happy, Brenda was like the most perfect daughter, following in the footsteps of Mom’s father, Grandpa Junior, something that Grandpa had intended for Mom to do before she fell in love with Dad.

Brenda gets engaged

I had grown a moustache over the summer, I got tired of nicking myself under my nose while shaving.  Oh yes, I started letting my hair grow long, beginning my hippie look.


In December, Apollo 17, the last manned mission to the moon was successful bringing a close to the Apollo program.


Christmas came and I spent went over at Mom and Dad’s where there was family.  Her I sit playing games in the family room with my brother David, sister Beth and a couple of cousins.  You can see the reflection of the Christmas tree in the window.


The year ended with my cousin and childhood friend Karen Yawn getting married at Westside Baptist Church where our family had a photo taken.  Dad also had grown a mustache after seeing me with mine. I think Mom liked it although she said it tickled when she kissed him.

The Mixsons

As the year came to an end, I was generally happier than I had been in a while. The new computer programming job at the computing center, meeting Wendy, working on cars with the guys, playing handball, still no girlfriend, but generally happier than I had been in a while.  With things looking brighter, I put behind me the dark and depressing thoughts, closing out that chapter of my life and journal.  I wrote..

1972 Diary Closed

It would be a few years before it was opened by another.

Updated: 12-15-2022