Mixsonian Larry



After seven years of living with Julie and Anne I was now living alone again, well for the most part as on weekdays Willy was usually gone in the morning before I got up and often didn’t get home until after I had turned in for the night.  I would see him more on weekends but even then, he was often off doing something or another, but I enjoyed the solitude, focused on work and was glad to be employed again and making money.  The few months after being laid off, being unemployed, looking for a job, moving 1000 miles away to a new city, new home, new job, it had been a little stressful to say the least, but I felt good about things now even with Julie and Anne not being with me.  Back before all of this started, Julie and my relationship was a little shaky, things were not as comfortable as they were the first few years.  Julie had started going to a therapist, first about her relationship with her mother, but then later about her relationship with me.  I was okay with that, even going a couple of times to the therapist with her, I was there to support her, but there was an uncomfortableness about things that I was not clear as to the cause.  The physic Don McIntosh I had gone to see had said Julie was going through some difficult times and the best thing I could do was be there to support her.  Well, that didn’t work out, here I was 1000 miles away. I would call her two or three times a week, but I was never one much to have conversations on the phone.  I when it comes to relationships, I tend towards “out of sight, out of mind”, meaning that not seeing Julie every day I didn’t think all that much of her back in Florida and what she was going through.  While that helped me focus on my work, it didn’t help much for our relationship.

I was always faithful to Julie, I never had any kind of affair or even relationship with another woman, but now being alone in Reston I was tempted.  Even after being married for seven years Julie and I still had separate checking accounts so each time I got paid I would go into the bank and have a cashier’s check made which I would then send to Julie.  To get a cashiers check at the bank I had to go to a desk of a very attractive young woman associate who would handle the making of the check and being the friendly sort, I would talk to her and after several times she we started talking more.  I knew she was attracted to me the way she looked at me  and when one time she told me I reminded her of her father.  I was very tempted to ask her out but could not bring myself to do so. 


The first of June Anne graduated from High School so I flew back to Melbourne for a few days to attend her graduation ceremony.  Julie would not finish her degree until December so we made plans for Julie and to move up to Virginia after she finished her degree.

Updated: 10-14-2023
