Mixsonian Larry


The Passing of Tute


At the end of summer we had to put down Toot, our precious and beloved cat of 17 years. Toot had not been feeling well for sometime and Anne, now a veterinarian, diagnosed him as having kidney failure. To help she put him on a special diet and then later, once a week give him subcutaneous fluids. In the end he got worse and in the last week he went blind. It was so very sad for he couldn't find his way around and he wanted to be next to someone all the time.  In the last days he became too weak to move around so Anne, being a Veterinarian , brought home the injection to put him to sleep and Julie, Anne and I all gathered around him and comforted him as he passed away. We all were in tears as I am now as I write this. I had never been so sad in all my life. We buried Tute out back and the next year I planted a flower garden over his gravesite and each spring when the cherry tree blooms I think of Tute.

Updated: 04-07-2024

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