I was at my parents old house, the one I grew up in. There were six or eight people in the family room, my brother as well as various people I have known over the years. There was something threatening us, some dark and evil. I had figured out that the only way to fight this threat was to leave our bodies and deal with them in the sprit world so I had everyone lay down and go into a meditative state in order to leave our bodies. After I had everyone down, I lied down and almost instantly "left" my body. I then, in spirit form, went to each other others laying down to calm them and help them leave their body. Most everyone was having a hard time at it, I could see their spirit bodies start to leave their physical body then it would be drawn back. Finally my brother David was able to leave his body and he and I then talked a bit and then were going to leave the room to fight the creatures but the door was closed. I told him "no problem, as spirits we can just go through the door, follow me" and so I went though the door, it was really strange to "feel" the door pass though me. But David couldn't get past the mental block of "you can't go though doors" and so I was alone on the other side. There were the evil "things" kinda like bats, hanging from the rafters in the dark corners. I went around to them and knocked them down. After I was finished I looked outside and it was a beautiful day. It was fall and all the trees were in full color, sky a bright blue. I walked around outside a bit. Here I knew I was dreaming for I could hear my cats meowing to wake me up but I ignored them. I had dreams like this before where I was "in control" and I thought I want to fly so I flew up among and around the trees soaring free. I have implanted a thought in my mind that when this happens I would try to go somewhere specific so I thought I should try to go to my parents place in NC but then I thought "but I don't know how to get there" so I just enjoyed flying around until I woke up.
Larry Mixson July 10, 2000