Mixsonian Larry


Back to School

I had been thinking about going back to school and finishing up my degree for some time and finally decided to do so.  Returning to the University of Florida in Gainesville was out of the question so I looked into University of Central Florida in Orlando.  UCF was a relatively new university, created in 1966 as the  Florida Technological University, it became the University of Central Florida in 1978. I applied, was accepted and had my records transferred from the University of Florida which didn’t go all that well. Since when I was at the UF back in ’76, the Florida university system had change from the quarter system (4 quarters a year) to the semester system (three semesters a year). I had earned 140 quarter hours at UF (out of 152 taken) which translated to 93.4 semester hours at UCF. Although the total hours were accepted, when it came to individual courses, some fell short of equivalent course hours at the UCF and others just didn’t meet any requirement at UCF causing me to take additional courses. After talking to an advisor I came up with a plan. Fortunately most of the classes at UCF were two nights a week and so I would make the hour long drive to UCF after work and then returning home at nine or ten at night.  I started with the Spring Semester taking Fundamental Probability and Statistics which surprising me, I made an A.   For the summer I took CIS 4112 Databases and made a B. 

Updated: 07-08-2023
