Mixsonian Larry


It was during this time I begin to question the existence of God.  I prayed, I asked God for help, after all, coming from a strong Baptist family this was what I was taught to do, but I found no help, no solace in my prayers.  I wrote…

I don't know if writing this helps or not.  I really doubt it. There is no one to question what I say, no one to follow a problem down to the root of its cause, no one to help me.  That's why I say, "." He may, but the Lord never says anything to me  

"May the Lord help me" Have you ever Heard such a stupid statement.

How could one believe in something you can’t touch, can’t see, can’t feel.  How could one believe in such on faith alone?


May the Lord help me
May the Lord help me
May the Lord help me
May the Lord help me

Updated: 12-14-2022
