Mixsonian Larry


More School

I continued on with classes at UCF taking Calculus II in the spring which I actually begin to understand and like, making a B.  For the summer term I took a graduate level course in computer graphics, CAP 5722 which I made an A in.  I also needed another physical education class  and a speech class which I was advised I could take at the Brevard Community College that was just a few miles down the road from me so I signed up for racquet ball and Fundamentals of Speech both which I made and A in.


Christmas Dinner
Christmas Dinner
Anne, Julie, David on left, Mom and Dad on right

Phasar VanMom and Dad's Phasar camping van in our driveway

For our first Christmas in our new house Mom, Dad and David all came and spent it with us. David drove down from Brenda’s condo in St. Augustine where he was staying and stayed in our guest room. While   Mom and Dad drove down from Gainesville in their new Phasar camper van which they parked in the driveway and they sept in it.

On Christmas day we all got up and sat around on the floor in the living room and opened presents like we use to do when we were kids.  For Christmas dinner, which I made Cornish game hens, it was warm enough that we ate on the screened in porch at the back of our house.  In the photo you can see several of the Corningware dishes on the table which I still have to this day.

 Opening presents on Christmas DayChristmas Day
Note bookcase in background which has records and books I still have today.
Upper right is large speaker I made from redwood Dad saved from the Chemistry Department renovation.

Updated: 08-08-2023