Mixsonian Larry

A Wedding and Two Deaths

Kelley's Wedding

CD Contents

A Wedding

On April 8th my cousin Kelly Junior married Brent King. They had a lavish wedding at a resort on the east coast of Florida with close to one hundred friends and family in attendance. After the wedding there they had a formal dinner for everyone in the banquet hall and after dinner the band Sister Hazel played.  Sister Hazel is from Gainesville and Kelly personally knows several of the band members. Everyone who attended the wedding received a CD of songs including those played by Sister Hazel at the Wedding.

A Death

On his birthday, October 3, 2008, my uncle Gary Junior died.  Gary was my mom’s brother and the first of the six children of Fred and Waive Junior to pass away. Earlier in the year Gary’s daughter Kelly was married at a resort on the east coast of Florida and the resort gave Gary and his wife Diane a free stay at the resort which they went to for Gary’s birthday.  Diane said they were walking down the sidewalk of the resort when Gary slowed down and when she turned around, she found him laying on the ground having died from a heart attack.

Another Death

On December 21st, 2008, my aunt Carole died. Carole was my mom’s younger sister and the second of the six children of Fred and Waive Junior to pass away.

Updated:  01-06-2024