Mixsonian Larry


Where in the world is Larry Mixson

In February I received an email from Elizabeth. I arrived at work and as usual checked my email first thing and much to my surprise I found an email from Elizabeth. I had not heard from her in over ten years, back in 1985 when I received a letter from her.  She had mostly slipped from my mind except on those increasing fewer occasions when something would remind me of her.  Yes, I was surprised.

Should I reply? Did I want to reply? Was it really Elizabeth? I was happily married, or was I? I thought about it for a few days and then replied:

She was quick to respond.

BVS CardThe wonders of the Internet. By 1998 email was becoming essential for business with much internal business communication being conducted by email and it was becoming standard practice to put your email address on your business card. The Yahoo that Elizabeth used was an early Internet search engine that by 1998 had been around for a few years. Yahoo was an acronym for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle” info The “Yet Another” phrase begin in the early 1970’s at Bell Labs when the computer scientist Stephen John created YACC, “Yet Another Compiler-Compiler”.  Yahoo was probably the most popular Internet search engine until it was largely replaced by Google a few years later.

I replied:

And then:

When I got home that night I got on the computer and sent the following:

And then another when she was on her afternoon break,

The following day at work I responded to her second email about Jobs, Culture and my life.

Updated: 03-24-2024

Jobs, Culture and Life