Mixsonian Larry


AOL Interview

By the end January I had been somewhat dissatisfied with PEC, I didn’t care much for the working on proposals, the travel, and the uncertainty of whether we would get another contract or not, and I was not real happy with the new management so every Sunday I looked though the massive Washington Post employment section to see if anything interesting showed up.  America Online or just AOL was hiring people like crazy, with several ads in the paper every week listing many different positions, so when I saw one for a software development manager, I thought it would be a good fit, so I sent in my resume using email.

AOL was extremely popular at the time with over 30 million users and was advertising a lot on TV. In January of 2000 AOL made huge news when it announced it was acquiring Time Warner. I had known a couple of people that I had worked with that now worked at AOL. And the coolest thing was that AOL headquarters was in Dulles, just a few miles from where I lived.  A couple days later I got a phone call from a manager at AOL and did a short phone interview and he said he was interested in me and asked me to come in for an interview.

After the interview I wrote:

January 25, 2000

I had my interview with AOL yesterday, it went on for 3 1/2 hours.  I think it went pretty well.  They said they would get back to me in a day or two at most.  I expect with the snow it probably will take a day longer.  The job sounds really neat, I would be a software development manger to develop there email software.  It would be interesting to work on software that millions of people use. If they offer me a job I'll for sure take it. It will be a big shock to my boss if I leave for we had three other people in our group leave this month. 

Then on the 31st I wrote

I heard back from AOL, they said the interview went well and they are interested but they have two more candidates to interview before they decide.  Due to the I probably won't hear back till next week.  So another week of waiting.

Updated: 05-03-2024

Another interview