Mixsonian Larry


First time teaching

In June Susan asked me if I would be interested in in teaching a level one yoga class at the local Herndon Community Center. I was quite surprised that she would ask me to teach the class as I would not finish the teacher HAYC teacher training program until October. The HAYC being in Herndon, Susan said that the Herndon Community Center had contacted her about someone to teach a level one yoga class for the summer as their regular yoga teacher would be away. I felt quite honored that Susan would recommend me before I had even finished the teacher training course. After talking to the community center manager, I accepted and started teaching a basic level one class once a week on Sunday. I was a little nervous about teaching the first class but I was quite prepared having made a syllabus for each class based on the HAYC Level 1 session and from what I had learned in the HAYC teacher training. The hardest thing I found was pacing the class, either going too slow and not finishing everything on the syllabus or going too fast and finishing before the class finished. The latter was less of an issue as I could always do a longer final relaxation at the end. It didn’t pay much, $12 a class but I wasn’t doing it for the pay. The Herndon Community center required at least 5 students to sign up for the class or it would be canceled, that first class I had nine.

My first Yoga 1 Class Syllabus

Focus: moving into major poses: Dog Pose
Center: Diaphragmatic Breathing

Take slow deep breaths, let the day go, focus on your breath

Lying leg stretch – press opposite leg down
Explain sitting bones
Seated shoulder stretches:
Arms up, interlace fingers, side to side
Cactus Pose
Eagle Arms
Triceps Stretch
1.       back knee down
2.       back knee lifted
Plank Pose (hold 20 sec), lower to….
No arms Cobra x2/3 – (option on blanket)
Cat & Dog tilts
Dog Pose
Hands and feet sticky mat width
Hands turn out


Air Chair
Proud Warrior
Spine vertical
Tuck tail, front knee over ankle
Extended Leg Stretch
straight back, hands on hipshands on block, straight back, look up

Side Angle – to block
Triangle Pose x2

Knee squeezeRelaxation

Lying bent leg twist

At the end of the summer the students said they really liked my teaching so much more than their past teacher, they recommended to the director of the community center that they keep me on instead of the previous teacher which they did. I felt somewhat bad for when the previous teacher came back and found they replaced her with me, on the other hand it felt good the students liked my instruction. I continued to teach the level 1 class there for three years.

The following week I wrote Susan about the teaching my first class…

Updated: 05-25-2024

First Teaching