Mixsonian Larry


Rosalie’s Diary

August 1, 1983

July 25, 1983 went with Morris & Barbara to Ashville. I enjoyed the beautiful mountains the farms on the mountainside looks looked like pictures, the corn fields were just knee high. They were sitting out tobacco and some plants were groin green also about knee high. I went up almost where Donnie & Rosie are thinking about building - It was quite steep. I stayed until Morris & Barbara came back for me on the 5th of July. Our garden did very well this Spring altho we probly had had plenty of tomatoes the peas didn't do much good. I didn't freeze but a package or two. Beth & I canned a dozen and six pint jars of beans. I kept six pints for me. The Lord willing, I want to make a small fall garden. Starting the last of this month on the ground which is covered with grass now.  

I sit outside as late as I can ever night from 6:30 until the Post Office lights come on, which is around 8:00. I love listening to the night sounds and watching the cars go by. Its really lonesome but try to sit and enjoy the quite. I take the little dog, Penny for a walk around the yard and up to the point and then set out the rest of the time. She likes to poke here nose into every little hole in the grass, smelling and jumping on the grasshoppers. Wish I could walk her a lot more but I don't seem to have the strength although I do feel stronger than I did early in the spring. I've been taking oil of Premrose and B12 & 500mg. Vitamin C a day.


Updated: 07-15-2023

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