Mixsonian Larry

Crispy and Her Critters

This document was created by Mrs. Ragans'  Social Studies class.  Mrs. Ragans was a most wonderful teacher who really connected with the students in our class.  One project was we did was to create a "book" that had things the students wrote (see below).  The book was printed using a mimeograph machine which was how copies were made before ther was Xerox machines.   I remember how the fresh mimeograph copies always smelled of alcohol.

Click on image for larger view.

Title page Title page: Crispy and Her Critters, Westwood Jr. High School 1964-65
Note: The color purple for these pages is due to the use of the mimeograph since the Xerox machine had not yet arrived.  I still can remember the smell of alcohol from a fresh mimeograph test handout.  
Photo Page Photos:  Mrs. Joanne Ragans
Class Signatures Class Signature page: Eric Swenson, Holly Westfall, Don McPherson, Craven Smith, Betsy Green, Billy Manley, Joe Genmaro, Lenny Hall, Rita McCleary, Kathy Wood, Wallace Newcomb, Janet Hudson, Clark Harrison, Karen Martin, Mike Prystowsky, Joanne Ragans, Deirdre Lukoski, Tom Klement, Robbie Parker, Dester Martin, David Evans, Glenn Anton, Carl Kresdorn, Claire Catotti, Darline Goff, Camille Roberts, Thalia Wiltbank, Robins McIntosh, Holly Westfall, Eric Swenson, Tommie Burron, Michael Garibalsli, Phyllis Willbanks, Larry Mixson.
Note: I added the "+" between Phyllis and my name to my copy, it was not on the orginal.
Introduction Introduction: By Mike Prystowsky
What is SS What IS SOCIAL STUDIES: First definition by Mrs. Ragans.  
Social Studies is a mixture of geography and history, so the student don't have to carry two books around all day.  (Definition according to Dexter Martin).
Our Teacher

Our Teacher
Remember all the days this year
The times we had in it
That Mrs. Ragans, our loving teacher
Our days she did fulfill
With Songs and jokes
AND funny looks
And tall, tall tales she told us
To make us laugh and wail
But, we don't wish to see her go
to teach another grade
But, be our loving teacher
Once again next year we pray.
Thailia Wiltbank

Second Period

Oh, my Lord...Oh, by soul
Second Period does things untold.
We sing songs of Bossy cow
An no tellin', what we'll do now
We learn about wheat
So we can have more to eat
We learn about the United Nations
And how they give rations
But next year
Is so near.
Craven Smith

Remember these Remember These: Questions about things to remember. By Betsy Green
Remember When Remember When: Interesting events in the class. 

Story of Crispy and her Critters: the little baby tree could talk: and a boy came and built a fire under the little fir tree: They all turned into crispy critters: including Smoky the Bear.

Crispy and her Critters Crispy and Her Critters: List of things about the class.  By Deirdre Lukoski
The Test The Test: Story about a most interesting test given by Mrs. Ragan. By Rita McCleary
Corn Corn: Song about Corn. by Lalia Mitchel Thornton
Yearly quiz Yearly Quiz: Quiz about events in the class. by Claire Catotti
Answers Answers to Quiz
Patterns Patterns for Constructive Scribbling: How to make animal drawings from letters of the alphabet as taught by Mrs. Ragans.