Mixsonian Larry LarryLarry

Working at University of Computing Center
Later renamed to Northeast Regi0nal Data Center
February 1970-1971, 1973-1974

University of Florida Computing CenterUniversity Computing Center
Now the Bryant Space Science Center building.

During my senior year (1970) I took a computer class at the University of Florida. (see story here).   My dad could see that I really liked working with the computer so he contacted someone he new at the university "Research Computing Center" and I got a job as a computer operator or as it officially was on the personnel record a "key punch operator trainee".   (see story here).  The building was a new (1968) in the middle of the campus.  The computer center was two floors on the right side of the building with floor to ceiling windows all the way around.  The first floor was the computer room and the 2nd floor were offices.  There was a open staircase between the two floors.  In 1971 with protest over the Vietnam war they changed all the glass in the windows to plexiglass for they wouldn't break. 

I worked there until April of 1971 and then again in 1972-1974 when it was renamed to the Northeast Regional Datacenter.

Larry 9/1/2008

Next Working at University Soils Department