Remembering by
Barbara Junior Mixson
1964 Larry built a car and was in the
Box Derby. He won some of the races in Gainesville and went
to the meet in Jacksonville. Morris and I went to Miami and Key West
for our vacation. I think the kids stayed with Carole (who was now divorced
and lived in the duplex out at the Ranchette) Dixie and Bill were divorced
so Dixie and Kristi were living out at the Ranchette too.
Barbara in Miami
I started work full time at the U of F. in the Department of IFAS in
the Business Office. Gladys Shadburn was my supervisor. Morris gave
up his 2nd job working for daddy. Agnes Cannady, our next door neighbor
took care of Beth for about the first year. Then my friend Mary Mixson
took care of her for awhile then she went to a nursery school right
down the road from us till she went to Kindergarten. In K and 1st grade
her friend Leslie Kattke's mother took care of her after school.
We started going to
Westside Baptist
Church with Darrel Murray as the pastor. I was teaching the Junior
girls in Sunday School which I did for several years. Then when Brenda
was about 14 -16 I taught that girls class. For awhile then I taught
the Ladies Class.