Today there is a wedding at Brenda and Tom’s church and Brenda went to the church to help get ready for the reception – a sit down affair for all who stay for the reception. It was a couple from their church – both handicapped and no family here in Linz, so the ladies of the church are doing the whole thing.
Tom asked us if we wanted to go to town on the strassenbaugh [the city tramway] so off we went with all three children, Andre in his buggy, and Kristopher and Jeremy walking. It was fun!!! What a time we had without Brenda! We had to stop at an outdoor café the first thing and get the boys ice cream! Then we window shopped the whole length of the city – saw a crowd watching 2 men play chess right on the sidewalk – Big pieces – like 3 to 5 feet high! Then right in the center of town was a flea market. We stopped and took some pictures in front of the statue in the center of town.
We got back home with no major problems, oh, on the way home we saw about 200 women and children marching and carrying signs and singing right down the center of the street, some kind of a march protesting something.
When we got home about 11:00 am Brenda was there so we all got in the car and went up to Pöstlingberg, the highest point overlooking the Linz. There we found a darling restaurant in a hotel with a wedding going on. We could tell by the cars out front that had bouquets of mixed flowers taped on the hood of the cars. The restaurant overlooked the city of Linz. We kept seeing people all dressed up, carrying gifts come in and walk thru the restaurant to go into the hotel, so we wondered if the bride and groom would come though and sure enough they did! It was exciting. The boys were very good.
to the Grottenbahn
After lunch we waked around and Tom took us to a place where you go into a tunnel and there’s a ride on a dragon (tram cars) that wen round and round and there were dwarfs, elves depicting stories all in the walls of the tunnel with colored lights on them and music playing. It was fun. Then after the tram ride you went downstairs to the “Grottobahn” where in the ground was a city and in between the blocks of the city, side indentations with big life size children’s fairy tales in wax. Very interesting – then a deer farm outside, then a walk all around this building that looked it might have been an old castle.
Arrived home about 2:15 just in time for Brenda and Tom to get ready to go to the wedding at 3 pm – Morris and I baby sat.
Entrance to the Grottenbahn Andrew had his first real crying spell which lasted 15 minutes Morris played with the boys outdoors and I tried to cook supper which turned out to be a disaster (spaghetti!) Our fresh fruit (strawberries, pineapple and bananas was good tho.)