Mixsonian Barbara Morris

The Travels
Barbara and Morris

Blountstown-Fort Tatham

Friday Aug 30, 2002
Left G’ville at 12:30 pm
(after getting my hair done)
To go to Blountstown to visit Brenda & Tom. Kristopher & Carla are coming and B&T are giving them a shower (party) at their home Sunday afternoon.  Monday is Labor Day.  We will go back Tues. to N.C.
Sept. 3, 2002, Fort Tatham
Left Blountstown at 8:25 AM for N.C.
Got to Macon at 12:30 (4 hrs) (210 miles) 419 miles from Blountstown, 9 hours.
Our cabin to Beauty shop
                1.7 from, BS to Walmart
                8.4 from cabin to Walmart
Monday, Sept. 30, 2002
Left at 8:45 AM for the Senior Adult Bible Conference at Gatlinburg, TN.  Will meet Tom La Mee and 14 others from WBC.  (Sue & Jim included.)
Sat. Oct. 19, 2002
  David, Morris & I went to see Sue, Jim, Aunt Betty & Helen (from Michigan) at Murphy, N.C. 
Left at 8:30 am & arrived at 10: am.  (65 miles from Ft. T. to Murphy) Left at 5:30 pm to go home.  Had a delicious meal at Sue’s (as usual)
Monday, Oct. 21, 2002
  Took us 2 days to get ready to go home.  David has been with us all week and he left yesterday morning.  He took his car loaded with our stuff and our car & trunk is packed.  Got 2 boxes of tomatoes & 2 of apples.  Cloudy & raining off & on all the way home.  We left at 5:30 am and about 50° out when we left.  Stopped at the Cracker Barrell in Commerce Ga. for breakfast.
  Got home at 3:30 pm – 449 miles
 Hardly any leaves have turned to colors yet.  Some at high altitudes of 6000 ft.  Too much wind & rain for the last 2-3 wks.  Zella Mae & Monroe went home Fri.  Betty & Billy 3 weeks ago.  Going to Nicole Roach’s (Karen & Joe’s daughter) wedding Sat. Oct. 26 – Grandma M. will be 101 on Sat.  Good health yet.
