Mixsonian Larry

Fire in the Pit

Fire in the Pit

Fire in the Pit
Fire warms my body
Fire warms my soul
I sit by the fire tonight
With friends and it warms my heart
The flames alight feelings
Feelings deep inside of me
Feelings Deeply Rooted
The fire flares, sparks fly
But I let them go
For the feelings are just as the fire
They burn bright but burn out
Turning to embers
Embers hot, embers slow to cool
Embers she can fan and set aflame
Embers she can let to cool
I remember my father long ago
Awaking early in the morning
Fanning the embers of the fire
Embers from the night before
In the morning setting it again aflame
Will those embers within me
Get fanned and set aflame,
Or will they slowly fade
Slowly cooling until they die.
The fire warms me,
The fire warms my soul.  

Larry Mixson. March, 4, 2020