Mixsonian Larry

The Mixsons

Family gathering and events

Easter with the Yawns
Right: Brenda, Larry, Barbara holding Larry, Betty; Left: Janice, Karen, boy, girl Billy
David, Larry, Brenda, Danny
Family gathering at Salt Springs
Left: Gary; Right: Fred & Waive, man, Barbara (and other aunts & uncles)
Kindergarten at JJ Finley
Larry, front row, second from left
The Yawns spend Christmas at the Mixsons
Janice, Timmy, David, Larry, Brenda, Karen

In September and Brenda started first grade and I started kindergarten both going to J. J. Finley School. The one thing I remember about kindergarten was one day at recess I slid down the slide on the playground which happen to have water in the dip at the bottom causing the bottom of my shorts to get wet and I started crying. They could not get a hold of Mom right away, so they got Brenda out of her class, and she came and comforted me until I got dry shorts. Mom commented in my baby book that I “Always very good in kindergarden.  Minded the teacher very well and never talked. Would not sing very well tho.”  The teacher said I did good on my reading test, one of the highest in the class.  

SputnickOn October 4th 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite Sputnik 1 into orbit around the Earth starting the space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.  Three months later Explorer 1 became the first successfully launched satellite by the United States when it was sent to space on January 31, 1958. A quick response to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik 1, Explorer 1's success marked the beginning of the U.S. Space Age.

In November I got the Mumps and had to stay home for school for several days.

For my fifth birthday I had a party which Corky, Tommy Hewlette, Bryan Vaughan, Sammy and Rick, Douglas Lynes, Mark McLauarin all came. We had cake and ice cream and I then opened my presents.

At the close of the year Morris and Barbara had an income of $5473.89 of which $847.75 Morris made working for Fred Junior and $526.16 was made by Barbara at the bus station. I find it interesting that Barbara made in two months at the bus station, 60% of what Morris did working all year weekday nights and Saturdays repairing checkwriters for Fred.

Updated: 05-29-2023

1958 Big Freeze