Dick holding Shelby, Dana, Kristen, Aunt Carole, Gary in background
Waiting for the races to begin. Daniel and Danny, Sue talking to Connie with matching blue socks,
Kelly sitting on stairs talking to Krystal, Diane coming down staris, Eric seate, Mom left, David right at top of stairs
Little kids starting sack race
Older kids
Kristi, Carol, Danny, Mom, Cork, Kelly starting race
Double's race, Uncle Jimmy and Kristie, Carole and Dick, Danny and Cork, Erick's girlfriend and Kelly, Me and David, Eric and Daniel
Photographers, Daid, Me with no shirt, Gary and Corky
After taking all those pictures, Dad needed a rest
Blanket toss, it's a wonder there were no broken bones
Blanket toss, I'm in back with sunglasses and no shirt
Blanket toss
Me talking to Aunt Connie (she's only a year older than me)
Sitting around the pool, me with no shirt
Sitting around, me (with shirt), Uncle Jimmy, Dick, three boys, Kristen husband Michael