Mixsonian Larry

Flemington Baptist Church


In November of 1955, the church once again needing a paster and Brother Junior’s name came up, there was considerable discussion on Brother Junior’s qualifications, but no decision was made.  The committee said they would have a recommendation at a later date.  Miles Mixson, Jesse Yawn, info Jesse Yawn is the father of Billy Yawn, Morris and Barbara's life long friend. After the deather of his wife, and the death of Morris' father, Jessee Yawwn married Morris' mother Rosalie Mixson.
 and others were at the meeting.  

In early January 1956, the committee took a vote to accept or reject the Pulpit Committee’s report of 5 against, 3 for calling Brother Junior.  After discussion by the church members, some heated for opinions ran strong,  Brother Miles Mixson made a motion to reject the Pulpit Committee’s recommendation, it passed 18 in favor, 9 against but the actual vote to call Brother Junior to service was put off for two weeks to allow everyone to calm down.  

Two weeks later it was time for the vote.  That Sunday most everyone in the church attended.  The people milled about before church talking in small groups as they always did but you could overhear the whispering about the upcoming vote, “are you for or against calling Brother Junior?”   They entered the church that Rev. Junior was instrumental in building and the pastor preached his sermon, ending a bit shorter than usual to have time for the vote.   The motion to vote on call Brother Junior was made, and seconded.  The moderation announced all in favor of calling Brother Junior to service raise your hand, and they counted, thirty-one.   Followed by all against calling Brother Junior to service, raise your hand, twenty-three against.  Two did not vote.  Mrs. Genevieve Mixon (Miles Benjamin Mixson’s wife) made a motion for the committee to inform Brother Junior of the decision to have him serve and it passed.  Brother Miles Mixson made a motion to call Brother Junior for six months and it died.  Brother Pardee, one of the no votes for calling Brother Junior, put forth a motion that “the now and all future pastors were to put in their resignation the first of every September to be accepted or rejected at pleasure of the church.”  Motion was passed.  

The committee visited Brother Junior to inform him of the church’s decision.  After discussing it with them, and seeing the church divided over it, Fred declined to their call.
