Mixsonian Larry

Don McIntosh Transcript

 In 1986-1987 July discovered a Psychic Medium that someone had recommended.  She had gone to him a couple of times and found what he had to say quite informative and suggested I go.  I was somewhat skeptical but did find it an interesting experience.  This is a transcript of the audio tape from my visit with Don McIntosh. 

Don McIntosh Transcript
June 5, 1987

Larry: Well I been reading some and trying to learn more about lately past lives and karma and that kinda things, I have earlier in my life I went throughout a religious period I was brought up real religious, Baptist religion, and I kinda after high school went through a real rebellious period and investigated a lot of other religions. I guess spirituality now, I don't believe in organized religion, but I do see that there is something there and whether its karma or a sprit I not really sure about that and so I kinda .

Don: In terms of the higher forms then?

Larry: Yeah, so I haven't really on my own decided what things are but I have a feeling that there is something there. I'm not clear in real definite terms what I really do believe in.

Don: Ok, karma? how are your familiar with that?

Larry: I guess, I have run across the term and have done a little of reading about it but I'm not quite sure how you would define it I guess.

Basically it is neutral force that is a check an balance on each person spirituality to keep us all honest, what ever you do goes out and comes back in like time. Not always at the same time, the spirit responsible for that reserves the right to send it back at the time they choose not that you prefer. Usually they pick the time it hits the hardest or you don't forget it. When they send it back. But essentially it's to go along with what how you treat other people comes back to you the same way. You treat them well then other people do good things for you later. If you give somebody a hard time it comes back to you and kind of puts you on the receiving end of what you are sending out. To educate you to teach you or show you make you more aware as to how it feels, how the circumstances are, how you handle it from your side of things, to think first then act, essentially, or to think, or think what is the best way to handle any give situation then do it the most equitable manner, from there. So its more to teach you or to make you aware of things then to give you a hard time. But even though its neutral by nature it tend to be negative or you overlook the positive when it comes back. You don't always recognize it. The negative is what tends to stand out more than the lessons. It can accrue from one lifetime to another, and be carried over and in that context there are many possible life times that you can live in that are by your choice. It may be one lifetime spiritually, one spirit, but many physical bodies. And I can of relate it to the same way as in this life time in that usually will have more than one automobile during the course of a physical lifetime and they may change roles, may change colors, may change sex, you can be male or female in different life times. And it's kind of to give you a view of from both sides of things so that you get a better balance. With that, That is on going like a chain of lives. And there may be future lives as well yet to be occur. This may be seven in a chain of nine. The key is that there is that you can get out but you have to been in balance to get out. You have to be fairly aware, fairly unburdened, fairly well advanced in different areas to not have to come back. And once you get here it very hard, even if you keep your act straight, its very hard not to get pulled into other people's things because of the patterns on the earth. Its like they brought everything in together even if you are doing very well it hard not to run in some karma in relationship to other people. The hole key of it is to be aware of it, to be in control, for you to choose and direct and to use that choice in a preventive way before things occur, not after the fact. Then it would sound very well. Now, parts of the chart will indicate the karma record and logs from past lives and lessons to be learned this life time. Just like a school that you have enrolled in and that's the course work to be taken. That is enforced by the transients of the planets, and presented to you in terms of situations or experiences as transients move. Planets have different paces, and I think I will give you that logically first to start out. The moon changes every two and a half days, so it moves very quickly through a sign. Jupiter takes one year to go through. Saturn has a two and a half year cycle. Mercury, Mars, and Venus move fairly short any where from four weeks to ten weeks in their normal setting. So they move very fast. The Sun takes a month. But the larger planets, Uranus takes seven years, Pluto takes fourteen to go through a sign, and Neptune twenty one. They influence a whole generation at a time and must more gradually in your life then say the moon which would change moods or emotional cycles every two or three days. As the planets move, look at it as your a center wheel and the planets are maybe 12 different wheels revolving at different levels, at a different pace, based on their own natural timing. As they move about they make what are called aspects to the birth chart positions. Some of the aspects are favorable, such as the conjunctions usually, the trines or 120 degrees are very favorable, the sextiles bout 60 degrees are very favorable. The trines are the best everything goes smoothly, harmoniously, when they are in operation. So even though the planet has the identical same energy, based on the angle that it is making to those birth chart fixed positions make a big difference on how it affecting you at that time or for that time range. The negative aspects are usually the squares or 90 degrees. When the planets are at a square angle it is a challenge, an obstacle, lessons to be learned, problems to be dealt with. The oppositions are 180 degrees are problems but internal in nature. The squares are external things opposed on you not by choice. Adjustments to be made. The oppositions are more inner stress. Making you grow. Pulling you in different directions and making you choose one or the other. They may occur in the birth chart. Now the aspects will be the same, have the same definition and meanings. Some are in the birth chart. It contains a whole file taken from any from any one planet the mathematical angle or degree to each other planet. That shows the relative positive, neutral, or negative balance of energy of those two planets and whether they get along well in harmony or conflict in the energy flow. That is internalized though. That is built in, within you response system and subconscious mind at the time of birth when you start breathing. So it is a question here of how much free will do we have? You have free will at any time, but these internal energy patterns are already set or balanced. Some in balance and in tune and some out of balance and in tune. So that they are affecting you until you change them or alter them through your conscious free will.

Larry: So you can choose then, through your free will to make a different path. But you have those kind of built in to start with.

Don: Right. This is what you start with based on the karma record from the past lives. And what ever lessons that are needed in this life. But as soon as you are aware of that you able to change those by changing your own internal structural patterns and balances. Then your free will you don't have to accept them but you have to make the conscious changes to apply.

Ok. Now we have two major sets occurring from the chart to deal with. One is the individual transients occurring in the present time. From that we get two sets of angles. One set of angles where the planets are in relation to themselves, today, next month, next year, three years ago, whatever. That will be changing constantly, just like a Kaleidoscope wheel. Because all those timing mechanisms are different, there not the same. So its like they all have a race track, but they revolve around it at a different time. Some of them will turn more laps than others, especially the moon or the quicker moving planets. OK. Those angles to themselves, lets say today on today we looked the planets in the ephemeris to see where they are. They have plus or minus patterns to the base energy systems. Each planet controls a basic fundamental energy range. Positive and negative. Then depending on the angles or aspects that they are making today or next month or a year from now, they will add plus or minus to that if the circuit pattern is positive, it is positive angles such as the trines or sextiles, then it will enhance the energy and make it more powerful, if it is a square it depletes it and may make it abrupt or stop or stop or go thorough extremes. So the circuit that they goes through is the conductor or conveyer of the energy and that does have an effect on the overall flow of energy. Very much like a garden hose or the adjustment on it or sprinkler. So that it can be controlled by knowing what it is or choosing the timing to do things.

Then we have another set of aspects that are very important. The planets are out there today they could care less about me or anyone else. They are in their own timing pattern, their own eclipse, orbit, they don't worry about people. But, there is a bridge of energy that is transferred by the angles that are making to your birth chart planets at the time of birth. That focuses that energy through a complex filter system to you as an individual. Even thought it may be the same day, same planets, the same energy, ten different people can be affected in different ways by that original flow of energy because of that filter system. The angles that are made to the birth planets from the transient planets become very important because that's how you forecast. That what triggers the trines and cycles. It doesn't make things happen but presents them to you. It's like going to the school under ?? and these are the courses that will be offered at this time and you determine if you take the easy course or the hard course from that point. But its offered in that time range to you and you have to take or deal with. One way or anther. If you refuse by your free will, you say well I don't want to take that, I'm not interested in that, that course doesn't look so good to me. And they have it scheduled at time range then they figure by default you'll take it in the harder class because you didn't exercise the free will. So you always have a choice in that regard. Those aspects there also is another one that called an in conjunct aspect that is about a 150 degrees. So we have the sextile which is positive at 60 degrees. That is something where things work very well but you have to a little work to finish it out. Like somebody gives you something and doesn't cost very much but you have supply a little effort yourself to get the full benefit from it. The trine brings everything to you very easily based on what has been done or reserved in a past life and in the past of this life. So you have already earned it and its a bonus coming through to help you. The squares are always lessons and changes and problems. Their the hassles. The squares are when the planets go to square angles or when the energy just doesn't go right. No matter what you try to do.

Larry: So what one's of these then are in my chart.

Don: You have all. The in conjunct angle is 150 degrees and you have quite of few of those too which is unusual.

Larry: And those mean what?

Don: They are neutral angles but they are the only one. That would be from Aquarius, planets Venus and Mars to Cancer the Uranus the ascending and Cancer that's about 150 degrees apart. Those are destiny angles, or fate angles. Where they can go positive or negative depending on your attitude and how your are doing. I call them windows that the spirits can open up and look through, check us out, see what we need, how we're doing and make adjustments. With out asking us about it or telling us. And the more of those you have the more your life tends to run at that higher plane. You got quite a few because you got the Mercury at the in conjunct and Uranus in ascending as well. Then you got the Jupiter from Taurus to the Saturn and Neptune in Libra and the Jupiter to the Mercury. So you have an inter-locking series of those. Much of which is destined in your life already. So in your case which is a little bit different because of the diversity of the chart, some are more concentrated so they don't have that effect as much. There on one side of the Zodiac. Your, Much of your experiences were pre-chosen and pre-destined so you have the special amendment to modify or adapt those. You can't just walk right out and change them all around. It has to be cleared with the spirit first and then they will approve or disapprove it either way.

Ok. For some examples. Lets take the moon with the in conjunct to your Pluto. The Moon rules your emotions, the flow of your emotions, your personality, habit patterns, and the subconscious, and how you deal with the public, or interact in public roles. The in conjunct with Pluto is pretty close. The Moon is at 21 degrees and Pluto at 22 so its very tight. That means that your emotional experiences in life are already set and programmed and destined. It's like they were already in the computer before you got there. Then you respond to those. You can amend or modify them. To give you an example lets say the original set was not an easy set of experiences. You would have a harsher range of emotional experiences through certain portions of your life. Partly because of the Pisces Moon and because you were sheltered and protected in some ways but more sensitive than other people in others. So it kind of balanced out there. They gave you some protection but they also gave you a harder range of experiences at times then what you would like to have had. Especially in emotions, physical and personal life, and romantic side of life. That has been amended. And this is a karma check now to show how this works. Last year Jupiter went through Pisces. Jupiter rules good fortune, expansion, good luck, opportunity, success, happiness, spontaneity, and growth. Spiritually. As it crossed through Pisces and crossed your Moon it modified that whole range of emotional experiences from the past an approved it vastly for the future coming ahead. So it gave you a lighter range, an easier range, a happier range, lets say for the 21 period ahead then what you would had originally. It modified and adjusted that without bothering to ask you about it because of the angle.

OK. Another one would be the Venus and Mars at the in conjunct to the Uranus and ascending. The ascending is your external image. The way you appear physical, size, eye color, hair color, the way people see you and respond to you in real life. It also sets the physical timing pace in motion. So that everything starts with the ascending time clock and then executes on the physical plane or comes about at the physical plane. The Venus and Mars there indicates that your personal life, your romantic life, and your physical life, all were pre-destined and chosen and selected by you in such a way that they would change frequently or quickly so you didn't get too board and it would not be an average cut of the mill, run of the mill, existence in either of those areas because of the Uranus being evolved and being close to the ascending. Uranus is the unusual the unexpected, change, surprise, sudden happenings, high power energy, rebellion, independence, creativity, coming from you super conscious mind and the future. Uranus is the energy lane into the future that controls that. The Venus and Mars at that angle to Uranus indicated that you didn't want a normal homegrown existence. You wanted something unique or unusual in those areas or sections of your life. Also you wanted or requested an unusual image, not like everybody else. So that the role that you would play in life would be distinctive or different. OK.

Larry: Do I have any trines and squares?

Don: Yes. You have several of each. You have the Pluto trine to Mercury. From Leo to Sagittarius And the trines always in like elements of signs which are very compatible. Fire to fire, air to air, water to water, earth to earth. They get along better than the others. The Pluto trine to Mercury means that the mental range of experiences was already planed and selected and edited by you. Mental growth, the education, the learning, the knowledge, before you ever got here.

Larry: I choose that in a previous life?

Don: Right. And earned it from what you have built up in a previous life and what you have done previously. So that you got a relatively smooth flow in progress there. At least at the mental range. Because the Mercury is in Sagittarius it moves quicker than it would have if would have it were in Scorpio or Capricorn So it is a fairly quick moving, quick flowing mental range for you with that. It's pretty good. I locked in. It means that nobody can change it or affect that to the adverse. And it had to be approved and edited by you.

Now you also have the midheaven in Aries which is part of which is called grand trine in the fire signs. Of course you have one planet in each of the fire signs. So we have three interlocking trines. We have the midheaven to the Pluto, Pluto to the Mercury, and Mercury to the midheaven. That gives you, as long as you are starting are initiating anything, a natural selection and choice of pretty much what you want at the beginning, not at the end. You do better at beginnings and startings then endings. In the end your on your on. At the beginning you have spiritual protection that gives you what you seek or ask for. So it's much to your advantage to start frequent time cycles and always be starting fresh or starting over. You'll always come out much better.

Larry: That's kinda what I have done in the past.

Don: Now. The Mercury trine to midheaven indicates a good mental flow in working working with you in harmony to get you want to go, to get what you would like. Your mind is helpful if it works, is very finely tuned, it has a inner since of timing and intuition and it works very favorable to meet the natural desires of the midheaven. Midheaven represents your natural self, your spiritual self. Who you are, why your here, your natural talents, abilities, what your good at what you do best, what you like, what you don't like. And the important events in your life, birth, deaths, if you get married, get divorced, start a job, go to school, if you graduate, all of those are controlled with the spiritual timing flow by that midheaven. The midheaven is pretty much, if you have the choice, what you really like to be or do in your life. So it's kind of the inner you. It is also the person you are becoming as you go through this life of experience. So you would have started out as Capricorn Sun sign on the cusp. The sun represents the basic self or character and who you been in the past plus who you are this time. On the cusp you have both, you have the Capricorn and the Sagittarius you will change back and forth. The Capricorn would be more serious. Would respond in practical, money, finical, job or work situations, material world situations. Sagittarius would be more of a philosopher, more in the education end of things, or mental flow. And you would just alternate or change base on the environment or mood that your were in. Ok.

Now, the influence there is such that the midheaven is the person you are becoming at the end of this life. Having gone through this set of experiences plus what you started with. So, it's like if we could project you ahead, to the older partner of your life you would become more like an Aries than a Capricorn by going though this life.

Larry: Then what is an Aries like?

Don: Aries is quicker, they are lighter, more humorous, more confident, more control, they start everything well, they have abundant of energy at beginning of everything. Capricorn is a harder way to go than the Aries. So you are improving or refining and doing better as you go through. The midheaven always give you what you want up front. So it's like the lesson used to know when to leave or quit with anything. When to change or recycle it. As long as you recycle it works fine. If you get on too long a time frame then your on your own.

Larry: I tend to, as I said before, about every three to five years I change things (that's good) change jobs (for Aries that's good) places to live and so forth. It's always been through that kind of cycle. After about three to four years at something I tend to get really fed up with it and want that kind of change.

Don: Ok. That is the Sagittarius part of you too that gets restless too. But that's good, in your case that could not be better. Change is favorable. Then we got the Venus and Mars from Aquarius trine the Saturn and Neptune from Libra. And the Venus is personal life, love and romance in your life, creative talents, abilities, aesthetic harmony and beauty. Mars is your behavior, your actions, your energy, initiative and drive, the physical plane of events in your life. What you start or what you initiate. Saturn is the discipline, the lessons, the restrictions, problems, hassles, concentration, hard work and karma to be paid. Neptune is more the spiritual idealism. In terms of music that motivates your, things that move you, colors that your like, things that elevate your spirit or uplift your spirit come from Neptune. The negative side is confusion, disillusion, and depression. When you are a place that you don't belong or where you don't really feel comfortable, or where you don't fit that is negative Neptune. Because you are at the long floor and the wrong level. And that is the spiritual warning system going on to let you know. That in essence helps out the personal life. What has been done here because of the Aquarius influence which is the future, you have pre chosen every person that you would deal with on the physical plane or relate to romantically in your life. From the future check list not from the past. It's like jury selection, as the best way that I can describe it. When you are a spirit before you arrive here, you often have a choice as to who want to deal with. What family that you want to be in, who you want to be married to, who you want have children with, who want for boyfriends or girl friends, or romantic interests, or relationships along the way. Brothers and sisters, family members, who ever, all that usual comes from a past check list of people owe you or you owe them from the karma.

In your case your case you picked them from a future check list of people you were going to deal with in a future life. You felt that was safer than then from the past because they didn't have a karmic mortgage or claim on you. And you felt that if it was going reasonable well in the future life then there was no reason why it shouldn't go fairly well now. That was smart. The Capricorn was not allowed to do that, the Sagittarius part was. Capricorn does more with the past, Sagittarius with the present so the Sagittarius could link the bridge from the present to the future.

Larry: Is it a good thing to be on the cusp like that.

Don: I think it is better because it gives you the choice or option or both dimensions to choose from. What ever is best for any given situation. So if you use it or not you have wider range or selection than if you are born in the middle of the sign. Ok. Now that relative guarantees that part of your life goes reasonable well and smoothly most times. As long as you keep everything in balance and harmony. And they are pre chosen from the future. We also have the Moon at a trine angle to the Uranus and the ascending. From Pisces to Cancer. Now, the Pisces moon I going to explain a little about that for you.

Your two most sensitive moon placements are Pisces and Cancer. For a male to have a Pisces moon is no pick nick. In emotional context because you have a equal sensitivity or more so to what most females would carry around. And since you are as a male to a rougher range of experiences normally, it is that much more difficult on you. The Pisces moon is very giving emotionally, very kind, is one of the better placements but is hard on you. Its good for everybody else but hard on you. It likes do things for people, its very responsive to other peoples needs, its very selfless. It looks to other people first before your own emotional needs. It takes care you last in many cases. Its very giving, and its very worthwhile, it fairly spiritual, aware and oriented with that placement. Now we have a combination here, that I am going to show how it works from the varied aspects. The moon trine the Uranus and the ascending, indicates that you have it written in spiritual contracts that no emotional shocks or surprises. You like to at least like know things in advance, you have an advance radar or warning system of what ever is happening emotionally. You didn't want or like surprises so you demanded that they not be delivered that way. The Uranus trine says Ok, well allow it, essentially will let you know ahead of it ahead time or will give you a radar screen from your own equipment. But its very quick. Emotional impulse that would be very fast protecting you. Whether you pay attention to or not, the spirits are very comical about it.