Mixsonian Larry

The Cremeation

The Bali Nagaben cremation ceremony was a most interesting experience.  We all dresed up in our finest Balinese cloths and proceeded to the cremation which has held at the cemetary just outside a small villiage.

Laura, Nancy, Andrew and Desiree dressed for the Cremation
Hanne, Laura and Trudy
Whitney decked out in his finest
The Nagaben was a festival with vendors selling food, drink and other items, music was blaring on the loud speaker
Food Vendor
Childern getting cotten candy
Food vendor
For each dead person a patulangan, a life sized mythical animal-shaped bamboo-wood-paper coffin, is made.
Black was for men
Red was for women
White we learned was a man of the priest cast
Each was different
Womans's Sarcophagus
Glen by Sarcophagus
For sure a male Sarcophagus
Woman's Sarcophagus
Mask Sarcophagus Face
So you may ask why was there so many dead people. Well they actually been saving them up over the previous two years. When someone died, they wrapped them in shrouds and buried them is shallow graves in the cemetery then the day before the Cremation they dug up all the bodies that had been buried the previous years. Bodies were in these graves just the day before.
Not everyone died in time for the cremeation. Here a family is gathered around a fresh grave for one of their family.
Family gathered around body being buried next to freshly dug up grave.
Offerings in front of priest, the man in white.
Covering up the body with earth.
Many sarcophagus lined up
People gathered around a priest
Flame thrower to start the Sarcophagus fire
Then the strangest thing happened, almost everyone walked away towards the town leaving us standing there wondering what happened. There was some announcement over the loudspeaker but it was in Balinese so we had no idea what was going on. As it turned out none of the sarcophagus had bodies in them. The people went to fetch the bodies.
Then about a half hour later there was progression from town with everyone carrying items on their heads.
The progression procced back into the cemetary grounds
The people carying different kinds of offerings, some on wooden poles
And then on the shoulders of two men were the actually coffens with the bodies.
More coffens
Women carrying offerings
Each family would then walk in circle seven time around each sarcophagus
Each coffen was then placed inside one of the sarcophagus
Placing bod inside a sarcophagus
Sadly, a body of a child.
The several pigeons were released representing release of the soul of the person that was deceased.
Preparing a sarcophagus
Offerings were placed on top of each sarcophagus.
And then after a quite pause, an anouncement was made and they were all set on fire.
Two dozen of them
All burning
Going up in flames
Until there was nothing but ashes
As the people stood by and watched.