Date: 2/18/98
Subject: Re: Journeys
I'm on break (since this is work site e-mail). Woodworking and/or wood
carving or wood sculpture or sculpture in general is one of my
fantasies, repetitive. Semester after semester at Univ. of Alabama I
"planned" to get into a sculpture class, but because it had long
workshops, I never got it scheduled. I even like the more tactile art
such as collages, etc.
The Ph.D.? I will hopefully have a doctorate, but it will be a J.D.,
juris doctor, law. I still worry about the bottom of the hierarchy at
times, because I know I'm not corporate enough to stay in a place 25
years, hence the law degree for retirement. I must also, however, lack
the flexibility you have exhibited, but that's not quite true because
I've flexed alot myself.
I don't know how much of this you want to know, but here's the sketch.
I crossed your path at UCF, where I got a B.A. in psychology. (I got
your card that you finally got your degree). Accepted into a Ph.D.
program at USF in Tampa. I was not "happy”, and a male professor there
got it "in for me." Ph.D. programs are very political which did not
help. I de-enrolled, regrouped, worked as a counselor, saw a lot of
wonderful theatre in Tampa, but also did not enjoy the major congestion
of Tampa. Re-applied to Ph.D. programs elsewhere. Got a major fellowship
(money) to come to Univ. of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Moved. Alabama was
major culture shock. very difficult adjustment for me. I thought being
at THE major university would make it different. It did not. Flagrant
sexist attitudes, "women should be ladies" etc. Found a wonderful
professor/mentor, but he died very suddenly of pancreatic cancer. I
taught a lot of large lecture classes at the Univ. which I didn't enjoy
doing. Trajectory for Ph.D. seemed bleak in terms of jobs. Spent a week
talking to vocational counselors, profs, etc. With my extensive
"background" several people suggested "Library Science." Never even
imagined or thought of it. Many jobs at the time. Checked it out. Seemed
a viable option "to get out of school." Got Master's in 1993--job market
disintegrated. Good interviews all over country, but couldn't clinch a
position. I'd always be #2 out of 100. (Many academic librarian
positions are actually faculty teaching positions as well--some with 9
month contracts). Meanwhile worked part time. In 1994 got a position at
Alabama State Univ.--an historically black institution in Montgomery.
Montgomery is another shock. Quit within a year. Salary cut--big one to
go to work for public library in Montgomery. In six months I was Dept.
Head supervising everyone. I didn't like supervision--someone calls in
sick--you have to make do. Public service city employment mentality was
stagnant and stagnating. Decided I might apply to local law school, but
quit job (1996) as I couldn't stand it anymore (overworked/underpaid).
Did free lance medical editing of reports for a while. Took LSAT, got
accepted in law school for Aug. 1997. Didn't have "employment" solved,
but this job came open suddenly. I work alone in my "own" library. I do
everything. Good hours, no weekends, or evenings like in public library
or at ASU. Modest pay. Excellent Maslowian basic level benefits. Very
corporate. My e-mail may be read. (HA!). I like the position.
Spiritual quest continuous. Going to Jung mandala workshop Saturday.
Have gone to several retreats. The secret to Montgomery is getting away,
which often I don't or can't do enough of. Atlanta is only a few hours,
as is the seacoast, as are the mountains.
Do you read? The last book I read was "Into the Wild" by Krakauer (sp?).
Read his "Into Thin Air" about the Everest disaster over break.
I actually started piano at some point--another thing I've always wanted
to do. Still have my beginning books I believe. Thanks for the refresher
on Godel-Escher-Bach. I recalled the full title after I wrote. Work. EJ
Wow, so that’s what happened to her, she had been through more jobs than I had, which didn’t surprise me, back when I knew her in Gainesville she has several times quit or got fired from one job or another. Now on her fourth or fifth degree and university, that surprised me somewhat for I thought that she would have got a PhD and been a professor somewhere by now. Librarian seemed appropriate for her though, she always liked reading, books, and knowledge. Her job working alone in a private library sounded like it would be good for her since she always seemed to have conflicts with people she worked with. Law school seemed like a good fit, she always had a great capacity for remembering details, I had learned long ago never to question her, she was always correct.
Updated: 03-26-2024