Date: 2/25/98
Subject: Selective memory redux
I don't remember any of that about Wendy's place, and it doesn't
describe where I live. What I remember is that we went in and stuff was
everywhere on the floor. Clothes were two layers deep around the bed. I
said something a little critical or questioning and you said they were
both like that and got along well with it. Its strange that I don't
remember what sounds like a beautiful place to live, but I do remember
the chaos inside. My apt. is something of chaos because I have moved
several times since 1993 and with each move I never quite unpacked from
the last one. I finally bought and put up several large size bookcases
because books were stacked everywhere. Books are still stacked
Thank you very much for the lead on Turkle. I'm virtually convinced she
is Stud's daughter. I got on line to the ALICAT, which is the Alabama
Library Catalog for all libraries who contribute. The State library
right across the street from my home has a copy of Turkle's book. I
faxed a loan request to them because we have an account here. I can pick
the book up this week. I can't do it tonight because I go straight to
class. Ditto on spending for books. I don't spend 100's, but I spend in
the 40's and 50's. I have had to curtail somewhat because of law school
expense (6000 a yr.) and also my upcoming taxes, for which I'm in bad
shape, unless I do a large IRA last minute deposit. I play the libraries
pretty well. For 25/yr I have a guest card at AUM--Auburn at Montgomery
University of Library. When I get an overwhelming desire to know about
something I go out there and check out a stack of books. That helps a
lot because my overwhelming desires to know about stuff go through rapid
changes (would you like a discount on some books on vipassana--insight
meditation--I have several).
I read and printed out the reviews of Turkle’s books. Do that tomorrow
if you get a chance. The reviews are really good. Also I printed out the
review she wrote of the book ABOUT Melanie Klein. She is a psychologist
I have a lot of interest in because some of her things about object
relations have helped me with my F of O patterns. Its quitting time.
This HM is funky as----whatever--slow to respond and I keep getting
server errors. Let me get this off while its still cooperating.
Updated: 04-01-2024