Sent: Thursday,
April 8, 1999 2:56 PM
Subject: Kevetching (sp?)
I had the worst headache yesterday. I struggled with going to
class. Thankfully HE decided he didn’t' want to "brief" so he let
us go. I was so glad. I bought a diet coke on the way home
and soon after I got home the headache just vanished. I rarely
ever buy a coke so I wondered if it was the caffeine. Anyway I was
glad, because I thought all I would be able to do was lie down, but it
turned out I was able to study. My best friend got called back
after her mammogram and came in yesterday. I think I was more
nervous for her than she seemed to be (but she takes major psychotropics
so maybe that helps). Anyway, after about a few hours the
radiologists seemed to conclude everything was okay. I pulled a
good article off the internet about "temping" as a lawyer. It
sounded very appealing and is kind of in line with my plan, that this is
my retirement career.
The bottom line comes down to that accreditation though and whether I
could get licensed. In the Fall we always have "Convocation" so I
expect the dean will make some sort of announcement then. Some
roommates in Tuscaloosa I had for a brief time had a laborador
retriever. I think the dog used to sit by my bed and wait for me
to get the slightest bit "wakeful" because it would be there and bark to
go out the minute my eyes opened, which often would be early. It
would NOT go in by their beds, because they always slept very very late.
Did you read about Dusty Springfield's cat arrangements in her will.
She was the singer who died recently of I think breast cancer. She
arranged to have her cat's favorite food, which is baby food, ordered in
her will, or something like that. Well, the t.v. news showed the
cherry blossoms. Some time I would like to see them as it must be
pretty. I'm so tired of school right now. I am "lucky" this
time as I finish with finals early, which gains me an entire weekend
free a lot of students won't have. The trade off is mine start
early--next Monday. I'm so tired, I want to go SOMEWHERE, but I'm
too tired to think of where, just probably for day trips. I hope
it doesn't get to very very hot before then, as then all I will want to
do is stay inside. Well, let me get back to work. Elizabeth
Updated: 04-28-2024