Sent: Wednesday,
April 14, 1999 4:42 PM
Subject: Dumbarton Oaks
I guess we have been exchanging messages for over a year, because I
remember you telling me about Dumbarton Oaks back in the beginning when
we started writing. I said that I thought it was famous for some
treaty. I checked again. Dumbarton Oaks is where the
president met with all the countries to put together the plan to form
the United Natioins. Its known as the Dumbarton Oaks Charter.
I haven't asked about Julie much, although I guess I've been curious
about what was evolving. It seemed that you sort of stabilized
into doing your usual things together, but I wasn't sure if it was
helping get you back together or what. Is there anything to see
and do in Cincinatti that's unique or interesting? I have a
headache so I'm going to stop writing just now. Have a good trip
if you go. In ONE WEEK finals will be over and I think I've said
and said again, I'm lucky this time, as my last final is next Wed
night., but some people have a final the FOLLOWING Monday. Then,
there is just the one weekend after that and it all starts over. I
was going to stop writing) I am definitely going to do do a short hiking
trail somewhere. I pray it doesn't get awful hot. This week
dropped back cool, but it won't last long.
Right, I can't remember what I said about taking off. I sort of
half to ad lib it. The hosp. census has been high. Elizabeth
Updated: 04-28-2024