Sent: Monday,
December 27, 1999 9:29 AM
Subject: At Work
I'm at work, but I think you are still enjoying vacation. How did
Christmas go? I worked Friday, even though I did not have to, but
I took advantage of being here to invite a friend for lunch. We
have been trying to establish a habit of going out for breakfast on
Christmas and lunch on Thanksgiving, because she is single as well and
doesn't spend time with family, but I've found myself resisting it
somewhat this year, so I pre-empted it with lunch on Christmas eve.
Mostly on Fri. all I did was clean out my office, tossing as much stuff
as possible. I didn't get quite as much done as I wanted to,
because I also wanted to do some personal typing, because my friend
ended up staying almost until three, but I guess I didn't blatantly
discourage her from staying. Christmas Day I just spent at home,
alone, with some reading in the a.m., but I also got interested in
watching the Planet of the Apes series which one of the stations was
showing. It started with the original Planet of the Apes and then
showed all the others as well. I actually enjoyed watching them all in
sequence, but I made myself get up during every commercial and "do
something" around the apartment--otherwise I would have been sitting all
day in front of the t.v.--and believe me there were plenty of LONG
commercials. I had a couple of presents to open, one from my "lunch"
friend and another from a co-worker, so I saved those until Christmas
evening. Did you get the book I mentioned? I am really enjoying
it, although the prologue made me wonder, as it felt awkwardly written.
It is full of computer stuff, only a little of which I understand, but
it also has some interesting Mayan mythology. It made me identify
though, that what I don't "like" about computers is I just don't
understand them. I understand binary switches, on-off, but I just
don't understand how that gets translated into all that it gets
translated into. One of the main characters does all sorts of
things with her laptop, but I kept feeling I did not understand how it
was done. The book is not so technical to be a turn-off though.
The mall was closed Christmas, so I did not walk then, but it opened
back up bright and early Sunday. Sunday evening I watched an early
showing of Star Wars on t.v., since I had not re-watched it in a while.
It certainly holds up well, although Harrison Ford certainly looks
young. I was in a pretty good mood most of Christmas, despite
being mostly alone and un-involved in any festivities. Getting
involved in the walking, I think, really helped. It is the best
plan I've come up with so far, but I have to make certain I get to bed
early. Also, finding something on t.v. that caught my interest
helped, and also a relatively interesting book.
Also, it was extremely COLD on Christmas, colder than it has been all
year, so I had no motivation to go out. For a while, reading that
book made me want "to learn" computers, but I'm not certain what exactly
I would want to learn. Hackers fascinate me, and I've read several
books on them, but I've never really understood how they do what they
do. Elizabeth
Updated: 04-29-2024