Sent: Thursday,
December 23, 1999 4:25 PM
Subject: Hello
Maybe writing will help me get through the last hour of today. The
whole hospital seems to be shutting down. I'd forgotten that they
try to discharge as many people as possible before Christmas. I
went to a brief Christmas service at the chapel for something to do.
The chaplain had as part of his sermon that "light travels at 186,000
miles an hour." I e-mailed his office and told him that was PER
SECOND. (How to make friends and influence people--but he is
giving the same service again today at a later time so I thought I'd let
him know.) I went to the dermatologist today, and she wants to put
me on an antibiotic for a month. I hate doing that, but I read up on it,
and it seems to be one with few side effects.
(The one other time in years and years when I took an antibiotic was the
first of the year for a possible sinus infection, and it made me sick as
a dog, and I regretted taking it, as it was a "just in case"
prescription by the doctor. Did I tell you I have what is called
rosacea? That is the reason for wanting to put me on the antibiotic. I
have to use this antibiotic cream every day to keep it under control,
but last month it flared up for some reason. Medicine doesn't know what
causes it, and they don't know why antibiotics control it, because there
is no identified cause, and its not caused by bacteria or fungus or
anything. Its not contagious either. Fortunately I have it
fairly mild, so mostly what I get is what looks like blushing. (Clinton
has it and Princess Di did too. People who are fair with
Irish-English backgrounds tend to get it.) I have to avoid hot liquids
and especially, for me, the sun coming in through a car window, which is
the worst "trigger" for me. Anyway, the prescription as written
was 132.00--do you believe it, for 60 pills. I asked about a
generic, but the doctor didn't write it that way, so I had the
pharmacist call to check with her. The dr. gave the o.k. to the
generic, which--do you believe--brought the cost down to eight
dollars--a whopping difference. I have insurance, but its a 200
deductible. This is the only year I've ever met it, so the
insurance company would have paid 80% of the 132.00, but I have to pay
first, THEN get reimbursed, and the 20% would still have been more than
eight dollars. I picked up a book in the pharmacy and bought
it--it looks like an author and book you might find interesting, but of
course I don't know how good the writing or story will turn out to be,
because I've never heard of the author. His name is R.J. Pineiro
and the book is 01-01-00, and its about a computer virus and is dubbed a
"techno-thriller." He has some other books, and apparently has a
degree in computer engineering. I figure it will be a light fun
read, though I don't lately splurge much on paperbacks, which are almost
7.00 a pop now, as I read them so fast. Well, I am mega bored, and
I'm supposed to work tomorrow. Some people who planned to work
though are flaking off or out, which I'm getting close to, as there is
so little traffic. I finished my videos last night, but I had to
skip watching the news so I could watch them and get them back in time.
Both were "okay" but nothing to recommend or not recommend.
"Election" was not at all what I expected. It must be R, but I
didn't notice. Notting Hill or Notting Road, I forget which, was
ultimately rather pointless. The relationship which was the focus,
to me, seemed ultimately rather "dumb." I walked again today.
I'm really liking it. Its dark when I go, but when I get out its
about sunrise and it is so very pretty outside. Its stupid, but I
had to get over this rather strange anxiety about going out places
BEFORE going to work. I don't know what the fear was--maybe that
I'd end up being late for work, or what, which doesn't quite fit,
because there is no penalty if I'm late, as I don't even clock in, for
fill out a time slip. For example, I've sometimes thought about
going out for a bagel and coffee before work, but never done it. I
feel that I'm RECLAIMING some of my day, by driving out to the mall.
Its hard to explain, but by starting the day with an activity for
myself, the going to work, sort of moves out of being the CENTER of what
I do. I don't know if I'm explaining it well, but psychologically
"going out" in the morning, then going to work, puts work in a better
perspective. Well, a long note, but I'm bored as anything.
Does Washington close up for the holidays, all the museums and such?
Would you go into the city anyway? Elizabeth P.S. Oh,
did you catch the moon last night. I thought it did look closer
and bigger and brighter.
Updated: 04-29-2024