Mixsonian Fred JuniorMorrs and Barbara

Flemingtion Baptist Church

The January committee meeting was called to order by Brother Geiger and immediately Brother Hannah asked the committee to accept or reject the pulpit committee’s report on calling Brother Junior to be paster which was then rejected with a vote of five against and three for.  

But that was not the end of it, evidently many of the congregation stayed for the meeting and there was further discussion by Brother Miles Mixon and Brother Hannah which then Brother Hannah put forth and a motion to reject pulpit committee recommendation which was seconded.  After further discussion, a vote was called which 18 voted in favor of the motion and 9 against.  Brother Hannah made motion that if Brother Junior was nominated that night, voting would be put off for two weeks which was seconded. Jesse Yawn made motion to vote on Brother Junior for pastor of Church, seconded by Wayne Yawn, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned, and Brother Hannah closed with a prayer. It was interesting that Jesse Yawn was Morris’s best friend Billy’s father and Wayne Yawn his brother.  

Two weeks later on January 18th, a special Committee meeting was called where Brother Pardee (father of Charles Pardee who witness Barbara and Morris’s marriage) made motion to vote on Brother Junior for paster which was seconded by Bro. Hannah and motion carried.  A vote by the congregation was held and the Church Clerk gave report on voting, 31 for 23 against, two didn't vote. Mrs. Genevieve Mixson (Miles Benjamin Mixson’s wife) made motion that pulpit committee inform Brother Junior of results of voting. Seconded by Mrs. Pruitt, Motion carried. Brother Miles Mixson made motion to call Brother Junior for six months. Motion died.  To appease those that voted against calling Brother Junior, Brother Pardee made motion that now and all future pastors be informed that they were to offer their resignation the first of September to be accepted or rejected at pleasure of church, seconded by Brother Johnson, motion carried.  Jesse Yawn made motion to adjourn, seconded by Brother. Pardee. Brother Smoak closed with prayer.  Fred Junior was informed of the vote the following week, but he did not accept their offer. 

Updated: 02-19-2022

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