Date: Tue, 10 Mar
1998 09:07:46 -0800
Subject: Re: Tue Grit[1]
The sore throat is about the same today. It kept me up last night, I
would sleep for about an hour then wake up because of it and have to
drink some water, gargle salt water and take aspirin. As a result I
never really got into a deep sleep. When I used to get this it would
start with the sore throat for two days, three or four days of nasal
congestion followed by chest congestion and a week or more cough. The
last two years the whole cycle only last about three or four days. I
attribute it to my taking DHEA, Melatonin, Enchneia (sp?), extra C and
zinc lozenges.
I know what the cold sleet like rain can be like for we get a lot of it
up here. I really like rainy days, particularly when I can be home, sit
in front of the fireplace and read or nap. Actually I went home
yesterday right after lunch and slept restlessly for about two hours
then got up. It was such a beautiful day, 72 degrees and sunny. I went
out and worked in the flower garden. It didn't last though, last night a
big wind blew in and it was about 30 degrees when I got up.
I remember what it was like to have to put up with the obfuscations of
registering and the people you had to deal with. It seems that they make
it extra difficult because it gives them some sort of power over you. I
remember having to go through it when I was a freshman at UF when they
used punched cards. You had to go through one line, tell them what you
wanted, they punched a card and then you had to go to another line, give
them the card, go to another line and wait for you printout that usually
told you that their was a conflict or a class was closed then start over
again. Working at the UF computing center I knew the guy that wrote the
registration program and he told me about a secret code you could punch
in the first column of the card that would override closed out classes
and get you in. I then punched up my own card with the override, walked
right up to the line and went right though on the first try. Most of the
universities up here have on-line registration which you can use the
phone or your computer and never have to leave home, a big improvement.
(Read story)
I missed some of the things you have found in Snow Crash and now want to
read it again. I loaned it to a friend and he is a slow reader and says
he is still reading it. It has been two months!
I found what you said about Fowler's book interesting for we were just
at St. Augustine last month. We went to the old fort and I listened to
the Ranger tell about how they kept the Indians there. I had not been to
the old fort since I was a boy with my parents and it was interesting
for as a boy I remember the fort being much larger.
I hope that they covered your computer for grit in the keyboard, monitor
and computer can reek havoc.
[1] The “Tue Grit” was intentional, a pun on the word “True” with the previous subject being Typos and the day being Tuesday and the movie True Grit.
Updated: 04-03-2024