Sent: Tuesday,
April 14, 1998 5:35 PM
Subject: Wendy and Lambs
By "more" friends (I was writing very quickly) I meant more so than with
Sean. More of a friend to Wendy than to Sean.
I have no more lamb. My roast was rather small, about four to five
chops. I lamb'd out the first night, and had some more last night.
I only have Word Perfect, but I might try what you said about cards.
What about -- I forget what they are called -- but GIFs or something.
I cleaned a lot off my computer which people had put on it.
Pictures of stuff. I wonder how my counselor got graphics on hers.
It was really neat, like a little maze or labyrinth.
I was ready to go, but checked my mail. I have no idea what
tomorrow will be like.
See you. Elizabeth
Updated: 04-05-2024