Sent: Thursday,
July 16, 1998 4:18 PM
Subject: Trailers and Rafting
I can visualize the bike device now. I think I've seen those.
I can also visualize having seen short of triangular shaped sort of
mini-trailers. I think I saw one behind a large motor van once and
I just wondered why they didn't put the bikes inside.
I wonder if Wendy and Sean are getting along. It seems rather
bizarre to me. I would think she would be excited about hearing
from you, esp. after all these years.
There was more info about the rafting accident in today's paper.
The reason it had stuck in my mind was that it was a lawyer from
Birmingham, quite near here, who was also an Alabama state senator.
He was rafting in Alaska. Apparently--you may read the story
yourself--there were some fallen trees across the river and two rafts
overturned. It was a guided raft trip. The article claimed
he was wearing a vest, and hung onto a tree for a while, but then got
swept away. I think the news of the article today was that they
found his body, swept up on a small island. If you run a tour
rafting company, don't kill your lawyer clients--I'll wager it goes to
court for wrongful death, even though there were probably releases of
liability signed.
Well, not much new, otherwise. I've noticed I tend to get a flurry
of work around three--which makes it hard to finish before going home.
I need to go back.
I'm sort of restless. I want finals to be over. I want to go
somewhere out of Montgomery, but I'm also tired. I wish I could
just close my eyes and be somewhere cool, on the water, or on the
mountains, with not having to take care of any details like getting a
car ready to drive, or even having the money. Fantasies.
Updated: 04-09-2024