Sent: Monday,
November 16, 1998 4:25 PM
Subject: Normal Weekend
Your weekend sounded pretty "normal" as well, given the recent radical
change. It still, to me though, seems like a drastic step to then
be in a place where you still spend as much time together (almost) as
you did before, except, as you said, the more intimate times of waking
up together, or spending all the evening together. I hope, for
your sake, that the arrangement doesn't stabilize at a point where you
are half in a marriage and half out--unless that proves satisfactory and
comfortable to you. It would be sort of an emotional limbo. I've
often thought of having a relationship with someone where we had side by
side, adjoining if possible, places, because I really enjoy having my
own space. In fact, that's the biggest thing I think about when
thinking about a future relationship--how could I really "share space"
with another person--not emotional or intimate space, but simply
physical space. I think I would want a four bedroom place, two for
the other person, two for me. One "office" for each of us which
would be sort of private, then each of us with a bedroom, if we wanted
to be alone. Just speculation.
I've watched Homicide about once or twice, but it doesn't stick with me,
and I'm not inclined to watch it either.
I go through gyrations about "office space." At my last job I just
had taken several moves to make my space my own and make it comfortable,
then they decided not to keep me. Here, at first, I decided NOT to
personalize, then gradually I have done a little. I keep a drawer
with a hot pot, a few odds and ends of snacks, ibuprofen (!) for
unexpected headaches, etc. Fortunately I haven't had to move
frequently as you have. Do you take any personal things to the
office, like pictures, etc.? I don't think men do that as much, but then
maybe they do.
Life does go on. You don't seem to be in any depression, unable to
work or do what needs to be done.
An awkward moment in the mailroom today--the mailman told a woman who
was in there with me--"Hey I saw your husband getting into a red mustang
with an attractive lady this weekend." The woman said, "I don't
have a husband anymore. Didn't you know. We divorced a few
months back." Then, the mailman tried to make a "joke" of it and
said, "Oh, it was really a beaten up car and she was really ugly."
She then tried to joke back and said, "Well, there was one too many red
mustangs and that's why we're not married anymore." Still, later I
thought it must have been a little painful for her, even though it was
Cincinnatti--haven't been there and can't spell it. Is there
anything there to see? I love new cities though. Let me know
how it is.
Updated: 04-09-2024