Sent: Tuesday,
March 9, 1999 8:34 AM
Subject: Jury Duty
Monday I had to report for jury selection and much to my surprise I did
get selected. I have to go back today at 9 and just stopped by
work to check on a few things. I'll leave soon. I read your
message in the public library during jury duty lunch recess, but they
have a no e-mail policy so I didn't want to push trying to write.
They eagle eye the computers. I'll talk about the case I'm on
after its over. I liked being in a different environment.
Here in the hospital I am sort of locked away and then all I do is go to
law school and the grocery store.
(My circuit.) I'm going to try to a Sierra club trip soon, if I
can--bird banding of hummingbirds in S. AL. Well I have to go.
Updated: 04-26-2024