Mixsonian Larry

Don McIntosh Transcript
June 15, 1987
Page 4

Don: The green is taken from the water signs. That would be Pisces, Cancer and you don't have but a little bit of Scorpio. The Saturn is on the cusp within seven or eight degrees so does extend partially into the Scorpio range. Even though there is no whatever actually there. Water signs deal with emotions, feelings, depth of perception, sensitivity, physic ability, radar, sonar, inner sensing mechanisms. ESP, telepathy. So your fairly deep there for a Capricorn Usually they don't have that much water. That's a good influence. That balances well with the mental. Its fairly strong in proportions so it makes you more compassionate. More aware of other people's feelings then you would be otherwise. But, they send you a price tag for that with the Pisces moon and if there is any emotional damage, you had it. Or you get the blame, or you assume the blame, right up front. Pisces is too easy going to give any. It's to nice. It tries to protect everybody and take care of them. Sometimes at your own emotional expense.  

Larry: That's been a problem in the past. I tend to have relationships with women in which I want to help them and end up getting hurt.  

I am still to this day drawn to women who I feel I can help but I have learned over the years when to step back.

Don: Right. That's built in there. The black is taken from the earth sign influence of Capricorn, Taurus and you have no Virgo in this case. The black deals with the earth signs which are in the physical plane. The real world, the material world, finances, job, money, things, security. Tangible, concrete results for what you do in life that you can see. You are fairly strong there as Capricorn and the Taurus helps you out. But again we have balance. We have a proportional amount of each at each level. That is in a fairly unified balance. The earth sign influence is more the grounding, the ability to handle or deal with the real world. Whatever is out there. You can do fairly well that way. The Jupiter and Taurus can be fairly successfully in life materially. Especially this year and next year as two very excellent years. One of the best yours that you'll have is when Jupiter crosses that Jupiter next year from April to the following April. (best years in what respect) In money, security, material benefits, property. It's a very lucky year for you coming up there to look forward to.  

Luck is a relative term, I would soon get laid off, move to another city a 1,000 miles away and live separate from Julie and Anne. Would that be “lucky”, perhaps in retrospect, yes.

Where the colors are show people born under those signs. That you have natural understanding of. You have either been them signs before or known someone, or you are familiar with how they think, what motivates them, their tactics, what they do and their needs. Where the blank spots are natural enemies or people that you don't understand in this lifetime. You don't have a conscious awareness of what makes them tick, what motivates them, where they are coming from. In your case it would be the Gemini, Virgo and part of Scorpio. Everybody have some blank spots. Your chart is pretty solidly filled in compared to the average one. There are always several blank spots to deal with. Several question marks to learn about. The Gemini people would be very strange to you and hard for you to take and understand. They would be the hardest. Because they are so fickle and changeable. They change around constantly, they would appear unstable you. They go all the time. Their a little scattered mentally at times. They experience and explore many different things. They don't stick with anything for very long. They start a lot of things they don't finish much. They are also very good communicators but they have duel personalities so they change back and forth. Their like dealing with two separate people. And you can't really adjust to that. You want one way, stay down I want to know a profile of what am looking at. You can't handle scattered people very well. Mentally scattered people especially. Their not really very scattered or very smart but they are dispersed or scattered for camouflage for their own protection. The Gemini style would be a little hard on you. Its very strictly mental. They don't care about reality. They don't worry about anything. But you can never count on them, never know what they’re going to do or where they’re going to rein.

Now in this personal case, with your relationship, Julie has the ascending in Gemini. Which is a training there for you to learn how to adjust to it. That would be the social, external part of her. Which would be very fickle and changeable. Its like you never know how she's going to be around people. It depends on the mood, the environment or whatever with that. So you have already have some training with dealing with that or how handle that changeability. It makes you nervous, it makes you restless essentially. It makes you defensive emotionally because there are two sides. The Gemini's won't really hurt you but it like somebody who is so playful that am not about to let them drive my car.  

Then we have Virgo who is a sister sign to you. Usually Virgo and Capricorn get along very well. But in this case we a differential because you are a honest Capricorn With the Sagittarius and the moon in Pisces and the Cancer ascending. Your a fairly compassionate, honest Capricorn in that regard. Much better than the average would be expected to be. The Virgo play allot of mental games and they tend to use other people at times or take advantage of other people at times. And that's not really your style. Your getting away from all that in this life and more toward harmony balance of give and take between you and the other person. That's better or reasonable. So your a little suspicious of the Virgos. The Capricorn side of you can handle them and deal with them but not the Sagittarius part. And they hurt your feelings. Their style is to critical, to abrupt, to harsh. And you really don't trust them and should not.   Scoripos, the book will say that your compatible and they are technically with Capricorn But, their very strong willed. Very secretive by nature. Any you are somewhat of an open, direct, honest person. You just float down on the table and put it out there for everybody to see. The

Scorpios hide everything or their a little tricky or sneaky at times. You get suspicious of anybody who is that way because there is no real reason to be. Here we have a plus and minus effect. I the Scorpios are fairly spiritually evolved, they're your friends. They will work very strongly, very well, get a lot done with you. If they are negative Scorpios their very, very pushy, take advantage of people, push people, what ever gets in the way, it doesn't matter to them. You really don't emotional temperament to handle that or deal with that. Your who style is to be nice to people, to give to people emotionally. Theirs is just ruthless. So your in conflict with the negative ones but the positive your ok.  

Overall you have the geometric shape or pattern is what called a propeller chart which is one of the strongest you can have. You have a combination propeller and double pendulum which is the best defense system you can have. The double pendulum comes from the concentration of whatevers all on one horizon of the Zodiac and the dual pendulum synchronize and balanced. Its like two pendulums swinging in front of you clearing space, protecting you. The propeller chart is then more mental part of it. Its like a propeller in front of you that's always whirling about. Nobody can penetrate or get through that space. Its like your mental creates a force shield for yourself that you will open the door pick or choose, but nobody just comes barging in. If they don't act like they get out. So its very protective, and its a very good positive chart. Its very strong that way with that pattern and the placements that are taken place.  

Larry: So what really be the major thing I need to work on in this life and the future.  

Don: Ok, in the present, we'll deal with the present first and then Saturn is coming. We'll take the present lesson plan ahead of the others in this case. You need to read Saturn, learn about Saturn, learn the transit of Saturn through the Sun sign and the Saturn return there as it comes back to your Sun sign. Which is what coming ahead in January and for two years at least. Strongly for a year and half. It is a major crossroads in your life, major transition, major change, it can be for the better, it can be a stabilizing influence, but its not easy. Its no picnic while its there. If your prepared for it now, from now until January coming in, then its relativity minor, a few things here and there to deal with but nothing, no problems, no losses, no real difficulties. If you are slack in that then its a jolt to you. Its like taking you to training camp or something and you weren't ready for it. If you get mentally prepared for it then its fairly easy to go through. Its not that bad. You can get a lot accomplished.  

He was right about a major crossroads and changes coming.

Larry: So what kind of preparation?  

Don: Number one: review the past 28 years karmically. Which is most of your life. So review that whole karmic file yourself. Look at like the spiritual auditors are coming in January. You have to turn in your books. You have the right to change, or erase, or add to, or delete from any of those book now. Until January. Then their sealed off. So it certainly would not hurt you, their going to be turned in, their going to be graded according, to review them yourself and polish them up a little bit or check where the mistake areas or problem areas, erase or eliminate that and change it. For now I know better, this is what I should have done. This is how I should handled these situations. This is my mistake its been corrected, I understand and know differently now for the future. For when you turn those into the karmic judge, which they usually do in strange ways, but, usually they wake you up in the middle of the night, to call you in for a disposition or something. Were you here? Did you do this? They won't let you get back to sleep till they get the right answers. So you have to watch what you say. The less you say the better. With all that.  

Also ask for a spiritual assistance, direction, and help in what ever is on those karma records. That you wish make them right, wish to balance them out, wish to learn from them and do the best for you and everyone else. Then it goes much better. The attitude is more what they care about then what ever happens along the way. They figure that's over and done with their concerned about the future. If you do that yourself you got a tremendous advantage because you just saved yourself two years over having to go get everything in order. At the expense of whatever is going on in the present. So you already have it ready to go. You just turn them in when they are called for. They are evaluated and reviewed. They say they will let you know when its necessary to show up.  

Be more conscious of the karma in the present as its ongoing from now on from July on especially. Because they send a spiritual crew to watch over your shoulder to see how you handling things. So if is like if the track record is relatively clear, which it should be from that past file, definitely do not do anything wrong in the next six months. That's when they are right there with the auditors. Its like think, ok how would I do this if the spiritual auditor is behind me. Then do it that way and demonstrate that you can handle it that way. And allot of times if the get a good report in that buffer six months, they will eliminate things that have been corrected for, there is no penalty for. But if its being repeated, they'll have funny ways, like somebody is tapping on the shoulder from time to time, or checking you out. They are. Its real. Its the spiritual auditor standing behind the person you are dealing with and you sense that presence correctly. Your sonar and radar will pick it up and its accurate when their there. But you never know when the are going to show up or when their not so the best thing is, like your on probation so do it well, as you through. Execute well and pay more attention during time period. Get everything in order the physical plane. Don't take any chances. Start anything that you want to now. Get it going, get it momentum going, get it transferred for the future time cycle. As quickly as possible. And don't make any presumptions or take anything for granted when Saturn gets to Capricorn Everything can come to a standstill or be like your going straight up hill to get things done. Try to get them in motion now so that the momentum carries throughout that period. Look at it like your pushing a car. You're pushing on the straight away now and there is a slope six months down the road that is going to go up. So you have to get it started and going before its get there.  

Larry: Well I was thinking of starting graduate school. Something like that your're suggesting I either start before then or wait till later to start. I should not start it to that period.  

Don: I would start it prior to that. If you want to. And limit yourself, don't push yourself to much, don't take on more than you can handle during that time period. Be ready to cut back and go with priorities. Don't over extend for that period. See they look at you based on what you can handle, you can handle that well, how much. So if you set a smaller amount for yourself that is manageable you can always add to that. If you set a large amount that's tough luck, they hold you responsible for the whole thing. Its easier to scale up than start out with penalties . And that will continue for a year a year and half. It teaches patience and it has restrictions, limitations on the physical plane. It is a 28 year time cycle changing from in to a conclusion. You're at 27 1/2 years into that cycle now. So you have six months to go on old cycle but 28 good years to go on the good cycle as soon as you can get to it. You want to transfer now to the new cycle and then pick up the slack on the old one, whatever is necessary to be done later.  

Also, I look back here, Uranus and Saturn are going be conjunct during that time frame. They don't like each other, the energies fight each other. Uranus is independent and rebellious and Saturn is discipline and authoritarian . So the two energies are conflict and you are gettinn both cycles going over your sun at the same time. That's going affect you like one day you get this great freedom thrown at you, handle it responsively. Then a month later you get all these restrictions placed in your way. Any you'll wonder what is going on out there, you know, why is it so inconsistent. But it's the Saturn and Uranus fighting for power and dominance back and forth. Go the Saturn pace and the Saturn way under control, moderate, and do that up front. That will give you more Uranus and independence down the road. Look at it a time game. If you do get Saturn stuck up front take care of it, get in good order, get it all in balance, get it in gear and in tune. Then you got that much free time and space for Uranus. Its like free time in school, you already done your homework.

And in the End

It  was an interesting experience, but I would not call it “psychic”.  I went to the meeting with a skeptic but open mind.  Don was very skilled and knowledgeable about the whole zodiac, planets, and chart thing, but I thought it was a lot of superstition and generally ridiculous, particularly after he was totally wrong about my father.  Karma on the other hand I totally believe in, or at least karma from things one does in the present life.  I don’t really believe in reincarnation any more than I do of heaven but remain open to their possibility if anyone can show evidence they exist, or else I guess I’ll discover when I die. 

Don did have some very good insights into my relationship with Julie, but more likely came from his two previous sessions with her rather than any insights he got from me.

Major changes were soon coming to my life as Don suggested but was it his vision into my future or were his words just a broad statement could be true from the right perspective. Either way there was some truth in what he said. The skeptic in me says the former, the dreamer says the latter.

Updated: 09-05-2023

Dad's Birthday