Mixsonian Larry

Leigh Hall

Leigh Hall in cornerstone
Cornerstone being laid

While Morris was being conceived in the small country village of Flemington Florida, a new building for the Chemistry and Pharmacy departments at the University of Florida was also being conceived. With increased enrollment, the departments of Chemistry and Pharmacy were bulging at their facilities in various facilities in including Peabody Hall, plans were presented, laid, put forth, and the Florida Legislature allocated the funds to being the construction of a new Chemistry and Pharmacy building. A few months after the birth of Morris Darlington Mixson on August 26, 1926, at this home in Flemington Florida, another birth took place, construction of the Chemistry and Pharmacy  building begin in October of that year.  The lives of Morris and Leigh Hall would become once and forever intertwined.  Click photos to read more.

Leigh Hall 1926Leigh Hall 1926

Leigh Hall 1948Leigh Hall 1948

Leigh Hall Research building1966 Leigh Hall Research Building at bottom.
Original 1926 building outlined

Dr. Leigh1949 Leigh Hall is named 

Morris in Leigh Hall1969 Morris in Leigh Hall

Chem Lab BuildingChemisty Laboratory Building Dedication