Mixsonian Larry

A Conversation with Elizabeth

Missing S's

Yes, the missing “s” in my last name, an annoyance I had to deal with my whole life. It got particularly bad when Nixon was president in the early 70’s. For years people not only left out the “s” but spelled my name “Nixon”. Not yet 17, I couldn’t vote in the 1969 election. After coming close to being drafted to go to Vietnam, I sure didn’t support Nixon and, come the 1972 election, I voted in my first presidential election for George McGovern. Unfortunately, Nixon won, and I would suffer through years more of my name being misspelled. At least Nixon resigned early because of the Watergate incident, but it still took a few years after he resigned for people stopped using the “N word” but leaving out the “s” persists to this day.  Mixson with or “Mixon” without the “s” has the same genealogy, going back to John Mixon the 1st coming to America in 1650. Many branches of John’s descendants added, left out, and then added back the “s” in the name. In the 1900’s, with better record keeping, the surname become more consistent in the different branches extending from John the 1st. Even as late as the 1935 Florida State census my grandfather, Wilbur Darlington Mixson, name was recorded as Mixon.

Updated: 04-03-2024

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