Mixsonian Larry   

What's new

2004-2009 - Mom's Travel Log
1999-2004 - Mom's Travel Log
2003 - Inner Harmony

2000 - Working for AOL

2000 - A Conversation with Elizabeth
1999 - A Conversation with Elizabeth
1998 - A Conversation with Elizabeth

1998 Introduction to Yoga
1998 Sold the House
1998 Where in world is Larry Mixson
Easter over the Years, 1954-1972
1959 - Diary of a Housewife
1968 - Pete the Parakeet

1999 - Doomsday
1992 - The Window Office Incident
A Place Called Reston (updated)
Finding Center
Ghosts in the Swing

1991 Mom and Dad travel to Michigan
Updated Mom and Dad Retire
Morris and Leigh Hall

Fishing with Dad
Way Down the Swannee River

Deeply Rooted Story 1985-1987

Deeply Rooted story 1984
Deeply Rooted story 1983
Update to "The Tree" Story

2023- June
The Mixon-Mixson Books
The Mixson Coat of Arms
Some History on the Mixson Family
Mom's 1996 Journal

Deeply Rooted Story 1980


The Brand - A Deeply Rooted Story


 1976 Barbara's Trip Log, Charlotte, Nigrara Falls, Michigan
 Junior Family Stories
 Deeply Rooted Story 1976
 Deeply Rooted Story 1975
 Deeply Rooted Story 1974
 Deeply Rooted Story 1973
 Deeply Rooted Story 1972
 Deeply Rooted Story 1971
 Deeply Rooted Part 1 available in print
 Deeply Rooted Story 1970
 Deeply Rooted Story 1969
 Deeply Rooted Story 1968
Sinkholes, Caves and the Devil’s Millhopper
 Deeply Rooted Story 1967
 Deeply Rooted Story 1966
 Project Orion, Donald M. Mixson and the Atomic Spaceship
 Deeply Rooted Story 1965
 Deeply Rooted Story 1964
 Deeply Rooted Story 1963
 Deeply Rooted Story 1962
 Deeply Rooted Story 1962
Log of the TT Minerva - Tomoka
Log of the TT Minerva - Juniper Springs
 Rosalie's Roses
2022-Feb, Mar
Deeply Rooted Story 1945-1952
The Bench
Log of the TT Minerva
Deeply Rooted Story: Tate's Hell
Deeply Rooted Story: Years 1950-1951
Deeply Rooted Story: years 1946-1949
Story: Kayaking on the Santa Fe River
Deeply Rooted Story: years 1939-1945
Deeply Rooted Timeline
Frank Maner Mixson and the Whiskey War
Updates to Coat of Arms
Updates to Sons of American Revolution
The Mixson's Bone Bed

The Story of the Tree
New chapters to the Deeply Rooted Story
Update to Grandma Mixson's house
The Old Home
Letters to Wilbur from sons 1932
99 Love Letters
The Flemington Baptist Church
Wilbur 1919
Rosalie 1919

Wrtings about my Father
Boy Scouts

1970 Solar Eclipse
Window to Life test page, Try It
Index to Journal Entires

Drawing and Painting
 To Mother From Larry
 Airplanes School Paper
 Childhood Art
 My Storybook
 Pictures by Larry and David
 Columbus's Ships
 Rocks Are Fun
The Beaver
 Science Fair 1968

2019-Dec The Owl in the Christmas Tree
2019-Sept The Porch Swing
                                     The Call of a Thousand Frongs
          The Toy Box
         The Balance
                         Estate Sale, Chess Set
                 Mowing the Yard
         Baby Cloths
2019-May Hats
2019-April Deeply Rooted
2019-Mar A Place Called Reston
2019-Feb Over all site refresh with new menus and banners,
Updated Cars
Computers 2019
Hobby Birding
Summary of 2018
2019-Feb Added Mom's Diary of Trip Out West
2017-Apr Added John Leslie Mixson's Coat of Arms
2017-Feathered Pipe Ranch Yoga Retreat
2016-Jan Updated 2009-2015 Lifeline pages, added New Zealand Trip
2014 Added Turkey Yoga Vacation
2014-Sep Interesting foot note to 1979 Impossible Dream story
2014-Sep - Morris Fishing as a Young Boy
2014-Sep - added 1989 Canoe Trip and Family Pictures
 Yoga Vacation with Sun and Moon Yoga Studio 2014
2013-Jan-Feb - Added 600 additional names
2012-July - Mixon-Mixson Family VI, II, III, with 10,000 Names
2012-Feb - Mixon-Mixson Family with 3500 Names
2011-Dec - Guest Book Fixed, please add your comments.
2011-Dec - Added Feaster, Dixon, Yawn
2010-Dec - Morris During The War
2010-Oct - Updated Junior page
2010-Jul - Kitchen Renovation
2010-03-06 HAYC Yoga Vacation in Mexico
2009-Oct - TV Cabinet
2009-Aug Larry's Book List
2009-July Descendants of George Mixson, Christopher Tatman
2009-July Story about Grandma Mixson By Glenda
2009-6-17 Grand Canyon Retreat with Mary Bruce
2009-06-13 - 45 Things - Mixsonian Treasure Hunt
2009-03-14 HAYC Mexico 2009
2009-03-13 Guest Book fixed, Comments appreciated.
2009-02-14 Morris Talks about the University of Florida Chemistry Department
2009-01-19 - The Monster at Magnesia Springs - ** Now with Video **
2008 - Moore's Pond as told by Morris
2008 October - HAYC Nova Scotia Trip
2008-09-14 - Mixson Census Data 1800-1930
2008 - Camp Winnebago Maine

Barbara & Morris's trip to Alaska
Add Junior/Junion Genealogy
Add Schwander Genealogy
Add Stories About Jobs I have had

2008-08-17 - Fred & Waive Junior Page
2008-08-02 - 1958 Pictures
2008-08-01 - 1964 Soap Box Derby
2008-07-25 - 1991 Canoe trip
2008-07-25 - 1990 At Jules' Undersea Lodge
2008-07-20 - Fourth of July 2006
2008-07-20 - Yoga on Smith Mountain Lake - 2006
2008-07-20 - Article in the Washington Post Magazine
2008-07-11 - John Friend - Pura Vida, Costa Rica
2008-07-05 - Master Bath Renovation
2008-07-04 - Tombstones Added Page and links in Genealogy
2008-06-27 - Updates to Lifeline 1978 and 1979
2008-06-27 - New Links to Fishing Stories
2008-06-23 - Updates to Pets - Snakes
2008-06-23 - Added Pets - Fish
2008-06-21 - Added story links and photos to Yoga Experiences
2008-06-18 - Added pictures to Places I've Lived